John B | Cheater

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"I can't believe you" you said tears running down your face as you grabbed your things from John Bs, your boyfriend and he had just told you that he cheated on you with Sarah. "I didn't mean it okay I-" you cut him off. "You didn't mean it? Oh okay that makes everything so much better doesn't it" you say sarcastically. "No-I know it doesn't but I think that I" he stopped himself. "You what John B you what" you asked stepping closer too him with your bag in your hands. "I think that I love her" you looked at him in disbelief as more tears rolled down your cheeks quickly. "I know that hurts you and I'm sorry" he said sadly. "No no your not sorry your just sorry that you got caught" you yelled hitting his chest with your fists. "Hey what happening" JJ said confused as he walked in and saw your face with tears rolling down it. "Nothing JJ-" you cut John B off. "No it's not nothing it's something- but it doesn't even matter now does it because I-I was just a distraction or a fling and you used me you fucking used me!" You yelled and stormed out of the door. "Y/n y/n wait what's going on what happened" JJ said following you too your car. "John B cheated on me with sarah" you said as you opened your car door and got in your car. (The window is open) "where are you going"  he said looking at you. "Anywhere just as far as I can get away from here" you said. "I'm sorry I'm here if you need anything though" he said as he backed away from your car and watched you drive off.

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