Rafe | Golfing accident

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Kelce had told you that Rafe and Topper went golfing so you decided you were gonna go see them because you were bored. You pulled up too the golf fields and looked for them.

After looking for a while you heard Rafe talking too someone. You turned the corner too see Rafe and Topper talking to Pope. Oh no. You thought. You walked closer too hear Pope say the beer wasn't for sale then Rafe ripped the first bag then hit the other one Pope was holding. Pope then pushed Rafe that was definitely a mistake because you knew Rafe was probably high because his dealer told you he had came back last night too get some cocaine that's actually why you wanted too talk to him. You had been helping him stay clean and he had relapsed again. Rafe then pulled his golf club back getting ready too hit Pope but you jumped in front of him trying too stop Rafe but before you could even say anything the golf club met with your side and you fell too the ground from being hit so hard. Rafe gapsed. "Baby oh my god what are you doing here why did you jump in front of him?" He yelled coming closer too you. "Don't touch me Rafe" you said trying too back up while Topper pushed Pope too the ground and he hit a rock and you wanted too help but you were in so much pain. "Baby please I-I didn't mean too are you okay?" He said coming closer too you as you looked into his eyes and his pupils were dilated. He was high right now. "Rafe stop it. Are you high" you said. "No I'm not high babe" he said lying too you and trying too hug you but you backed away and he looked at you confused and hurt. "You promised me that you quit Rafe we went through so many hard nights with your withdrawals and you were finally getting better and- and you go back too it?" You said in disbelief as tears started too full your eyes from the pain of your now bruised side and from my now emotional pain. "I know baby I'm so sorry  I just needed it and-" you cut him off. "I can't do this anymore." You said as Rafe looked at you in complete shock and tears filling his eyes threatening to fall. "What? No you don't mean that babe please don't do this I need you. I love you" he said tears falling down his face. Pope was now gone and Topper had disappeared somewhere also. "I love you too Rafe but look what you did too me because you were high and got into a fight with someone who wasnt even bothering you." You said showing him the big bruise. "Baby I'm so sorry I didn't mean too but you jumped in front of him-I'm so sorry and I'm sorry about the drugs too I just- when your not around me I start thinking about them and I fold and go get them" he said more tears rolling down his face. You felt bad but you couldn't be with Rafe if he kept going back too the drugs when you help him every time but he keeps going back. "I'm sorry Rafe-I should go" you said turning with tears falling down your cheeks from the hurt of leaving Rafe. You loved him but you just didn't have the energy too do this. "Baby no please I promise I'll get better I'll get better for you please don't leave" he said now sobbing. "I'm sorry Rafe. Come talk too me tomorrow when your sober okay" you said rubbing his cheek trying too calm him down. He nodded his head fast. You couldn't help but pull him into a hug as he sobbed into the crook of your neck as he held you so close you weren't an inch away from each other. "I'm sorry I'll get better" he said still crying and still clinging too you. "Hey shh it's okay baby" you said forgiving him. You were tired of Rafe going back too the drugs but you loved him too much too ever leave him. You were going too be there for him because you knew he had no one else. "I love you so much" he said looking you in the eyes. " I love you too Rafe" you said pulling him too kiss you. He kissed you back hungrily. You pulled away and he groaned. "Let's golf?" You questioned. "Anything you want too do you know I'll do it baby" he said hugging you tightly. "Well let's go baby baby" you said and he smiled laughing at what you had said. You just stared at him and his smile as you were also smiling. His smile was so beautiful. "Take a picture it'll last longer" he said making you giggle. "Let's go" you said as you both went too golf.

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