JJ | love your laugh

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You and JJ were sitting on your bed home alone as always. Your parents were always working and you were a kook so you didn't really know why JJ liked you at all but he did. You had feeling for him but refused too tell him. 

"JJ stop!" You giggled as he threw a ball at you. "You know what we should do" he said as he jumped onto your bed with you. "What" you raised up looking into his gorgeous blue eyes. "We should go surfing" he said with a smile. "I don't surf JJ you know this" you said in a fun tone. "Oh I forgot your a boring kook" he said joking. "Hey kooks aren't that bad" you defend your self. "Yeah right" he said laughing. "Oh so your saying you don't enjoy my company" you said as you raised one eye brow. "Well I mean I didn't say that" he said getting a little closer looking into your eyes which made you nervous so you shot up from your spot and said "exactly JJ now I actually have a golfing competition too go to with Kelce and Topper so if you'll excuse me" you said turning too leave. "Wait what" he said confused "I have a golf-" he cut you off. "You said we could hang today you said you were free" he said confused. "I know I just forgot" you said shrugging it off and turning too leave the room but JJ quickly came up behind you and pushed you against the wall. "You can't leave me" he said as he started too tickle you. "J-J s-stop" you said in between laughs. "What was that I can't hear you" he said continuing as you ran from him down the stairs and into the kitchen as he cornered you. "JJ don't you dare" you said holding your hand out as he backed you against the wall. "What" he said smiling and he grabbed your waist. "JJ" you squealed in excitement. "Hmm" he said getting closer and closer to your face as his lips brushed over yours. He grabbed you and smashed your lips onto his. "JJ what was that?" You said pulling away confused by what just happened. "I don't know" he said awkwardly. "JJ I like you" you blurted out. "What" he said confused. "You like me" he said looking so confused it was kinda funny. "I like you" you said in a slight whisper as you looked at the ground. He didn't say anything he just grabbed your chin and crashed his lips onto yours. "I like you too" he said pulling away and then tickling you again as you collapsed onto the ground laughing but that didn't stop him. "J-J quit it!" You squealed laughing so hard your stomach hurt. "I love your laugh so much" he said leaning in too kiss you again. You giggled into the kiss and JJ picked you up and took you too your room which led too other things.

Obx imagine 🏖 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora