Topper | Gaslighting

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TW: ⚠️ gaslighting and manipulation.

You and Topper had been together for a year and a half and it was really toxic but you loved him and he really did love you even if he didn't show it but sometimes the arguments get really bad.


"Hey babe" you said coming too sit on Toppers bed beside of him. "Hi" he replied staring at the ceiling. "What's wrong" you asked as you rubbed his cheek and he grabbed you hand and pushed you away. "Don't touch me" he said and you looked at him confused as he stood up and paced around the spot in front of you. "Topper what in the hell is wrong with you" you asked running out of patients. "You are what's wrong with me y/n, you just- I don't even know you just make me so fucking mad because I know what your doing" he said and you looked at him like he was crazy because honestly you thought maybe he did go crazy. "What in the heck are you talking about" you asked and he got in your face as you stood up. "You fucking that pogue" he said. "Topper calm down I'm never even around those pouges okay I hate them as much as you do" you said which wasn't true because you didn't hate them but you wanted to make him believe you. "No you don't your probably fucking JJ, John B, And even Pope" he replied laughing a little and he looked at you with a cold stare. "Your a whore you know that right?" He asked with a straight face. "How could you say that I lost my virginity to you Topper your the only person I've ever had sex with" you replied quietly. "You need to loose some weight I mean I'm sorry but honestly you've put on some weight I've noticed" when he said that you broke and started too cry and you really didn't want too because you didn't wanna let him know that he got to you but he knew how sensitive you were when it came to your weight, you'd always been insecure and you talked too him about it all the time and he always said you'd be beautiful no matter what and now your fat? "I-I didn't mean that okay I'm sorry" he said walking over too hug you. "Don't touch me Topper" you said and pulled away from him. "Don't be like that" he said and you were just so mad when he hugged you again you didn't even pull away. "I'm sorry I just I love you so much you make me crazy" he said making you smile a little. "But you've gotta stop making me mad okay" he said and you nodded. "I'm sorry Top I love you" you said and he smiled and hugged you. " I love you too" he said.


Hey so this one kinda sucks but I wanted too post something so here it is I hope you like it. I'm officially out of ideas so please request or give me ideas guys please! I absolutely love doing imagines for you guys and I want to continue but I can't continue without ideas so please if you have any at all send them, I can do ANYTHING you request. I love you and thank you for the reads!!💘

Obx imagine 🏖 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt