John B | Psycho

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"Why are you so mad. It's not like I cheated on you or something" he said but you were fuming with anger and let's just say you were a little of a psycho when you were angry but John B loved you so he put up with it and honestly he found it kinda hot. "Well that's basically what you did!" You yelled catching everyone's attention in the chateau, you and John B were in his room and the rest of the pouges were in the living room and were listening too you and John argue. "No I didn't she showed up too my work as a customer I had too say something too her" he said trying too stay calm. "Your unbelievable" you said crossing your arms and looking at him. "Oh wow really well I'm sorry for talking too a freaking customer!" He said raising his voice a little. "Customer my ass" you said rolling your eyes and that just set John B off. "What did you want me too do get fired!" He yelled in your face. "Don't yell at me" you screamed back at him. "Why not your yelling at me" he yelled. "Fuck you" you said before grabbing a bag and shoving your clothes into it. "What are you doing" he said rubbing his temples. "I'm leaving" you said bluntly. "Are you being serious right now" he said raising his voice again. "Yes I'm being serious" you said walking down the hallway getting stares from Kie, Pope and JJ. "What are you guys looking at" John B said angry as he followed you out too your car. "Stop following me" you said. "No" he said as you got into your car before realizing you'd left your phone in the chateau. "Damnit" you muttered getting out of your car and making your way back into the house. "What are you doing" he yelled and you couldn't figure out why the hell he was still yelling. "Why are you still yelling at me" you yelled back now he was making you mad again. "Your yelling at me!" He yelled back. "Ok ok" you said done with the argument until he started again when you were making your way back too your car. "I didn't cheat on you" he said as everyone was still yet looking at the both of you. "Never said ya did" you said trying too leave but he grabbed your waist. "Your just jealous and you have nothing too be jealous for" he said and that was the last straw because the psycho was coming out. "She fucking hugged you John B he was rubbing all up on you. Was I supposed too be okay with that because I'm not how would you feel if I did that too JJ or Pope or just anyone" you yelled and they all looked shocked at your outburst. "I wouldn't be okay with it no but I wouldn't get mad at you for it" he said and you laughed and made your way too JJ and hugged him and John B clenched his jaw and JJ just stood there. "Oh I'm sorry are you mad at me because remember you said you wouldn't get mad" you questioned. "JJ really" John B said sighing. "Hey she hugged me I had too hug her back". JJ said putting his arms up in defense. "Whatever I'm leaving" he said but you stopped him. "No I'm leaving you can stay here and invite that stupid bitch over for all I care" you said. "Oh my god I don't want her okay I don't I want you and you know that so why are you so freaking mad I love you I don't love her I don't even know her!" He said and with that you grabbed his face and kissed him hard. "Woah guys get a room" JJ said but you didn't stop John B pinned you too the wall and your legs went around his waist and he pulled away. "Going too my room don't disturb us" he said carrying you too his room and you already know what happened.

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