Rafe | cant stay away from me | SMUT

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Hey so this is kinda based on the song animals by maroon 5 like it uses some of the lyrics so yeah I was just gonna let you know. Also Idk if I should put like one of those warning things so I'm just gonna go ahead and say it this imagine is kinda very toxic and a little controlling/manipulative but oh well tbh that's hot too me.
You and your ex-boyfriend Rafe had broken up about a month ago and well it didn't end very well. You were best friends with Kelce and Topper and Rafe and you and Rafe kept your relationship a secret and when you broke up you still hung out with Kelce and Topper almost every day but you tried too avoid Rafe the best you could but sometimes things didn't go as planned and you accidentally hooked up with Rafe a few times since the breakup but too be fair you were drunk off your ass.

You were at a party and you were again drunk very drunk. "Yo y/n you need too try it it tastes like bananas" Kelce said as he pointed too the table with white powder lines on it. "Kelce" you said cautiously "fuck it" you said and did a line that some random guy had made for you. To be honest you had been spiraling since the breakup happened so this wasn't a huge surprise. "Y/n" You heard that familiar voice say and you turned about and there he was. The person that ripped your heart in two Rafe Cameron. "Rafe hey what are you doing here" you said confused. "You do drugs last time a checked you didn't even drink" he said. "can we talk somewhere more private" he said dragging you too the bathroom.

"Rafe I don't think it's good for us too be alone" you said thinking of what the other times of you two being alone have led too. "Why not" he said walking closer too you as you sat on the sink. "Because we always end up doing things that no exes should do" you said as he stood in between your legs which made your 🐱's heartbeat go crazy as he gripped your waist. "You can start over, you can run free. You can find other fish in the sea and you can pretend it's meant too be but you can't stay away from me" he said as he crashed his lips onto yours taking your clothes off quickly. "Rafe" you breathed into the harsh make out session. "Hmm" he said as he stopped and looked at you. "We have too stop doing this it's not good for us" you said looking at him seriously. "Whatever it's fine" he said hiding his emotions. He quickly took off his clothes as he slid his length into your entrance. "Ohh" you moaned as he started too go faster and faster. "Mmm" he moaned out in pleasure. "Oh my god" you said as you dug your fingernails into rafes back leaving marks. "God I love when you do that" he said thrusting into you at an ungodly speed. "Holy shit" you moaned out. "I'm gonna cum" Rafe moaned out which he had never done before. "Me too" you said as you felt a knot in your stomach form and Rafe thrusts got sloppy signaling he's close. "Rafe im cumming" you said as you started too shake a little. "Me too" he said as you felt him release inside of you. "Wow that was amazing" you said as you started too really feel the drugs and alcohol start too wear off. "I need too tell you something" he said as you were both getting dressed. "Hmm" you said zipping up your shorts. "I'm still in love with you and that's why I don't wanna let you go. Your the only person that genuinely cares for me and I don't wanna lose you" he said as he waited for an answer but you didn't give him one you just kissed him tenderly. "I love you so much Rafe" you said. "I love you y/n" he said as you both left the party and when too your place.

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