#15 | Rafe Cameron

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15: them showing up in the middle of the night because they wanna cuddle.


You were laying there staring at the ceiling when you heard a faint knock on the window and somehow you already had a thought of who it might be and as you made your way to window you realized that you weren't wrong, it was none other than your boyfriend Rafe Cameron. You opened the window and he smiled at you and you sent him a sleepy smile back. "Hey baby" he said climbing into your room and shutting the window back behind him. "Hey babe what are you doing here" you asked laying back down in your bed. "I-Um" he fumbled over his words not wanting to sound like a wimp by admitting that he had came because he missed you and really wanted to cuddle. "I wanted to come and cuddle that's all" he admitting while taking off his clothes leaving him in his underwear. A huge smiled spread across your face at his words. "Your absolutely adorable" you said as he laid on your chest and wrapped his arms around your waist. "I love this so much" he said softly. "Me too" you replied playing with his hair. "Thank you so much" he said and your could tell by his voice that he was getting sleepy. "For what" you asked a little confused. "For everything you do, you take care of me, your always there for me, you helped me with my anxiety and depression and just- just everything it's amazing" he said making your stomach erupt into butterflies. "Your welcome baby, I'll always be here" you responded. "I love you y/n" he said. "I love you Rafe" and as soon as you looked down you saw him knocked out cold.


This is a draft I decided to finish since I'm up late with really bad anxiety 🥲 and the worse part is that I have to be up early but oh well. Please drop tips for anxiety if you have any, it can literally be anything just help me plz!💘

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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