JJ | Fights | pt.2

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It had been almost a week since you walked out on JJ and honestly you didn't regret it at all because you knew you deserved better and you also knew that you'd do just fine without him.


You were currently at the grocery store shopping because you barely had any food at your house. "Y/n" someone said and you realized that voice immediately. "John B hey" you said awkwardly. "How are you, what happened with you and JJ" he asked kinda worriedly. "I'm good and um- it's not important, we just weren't working" you said as your turned back too look at the cereal and threw a box in your cart. "Oh I'm sorry too hear that. I should probably get going, you gonna be back too hang with us anytime soon?" He asked backing away slowly. "Nah I don't think so John B but I wish you guys the best" you said and he waved as he left the store and you went too the checkout so you could head home.


I made my way back too the van that had JJ Kie and Pope sitting in it. "JJ what the hell did you did you do too y/n" John B said almost angry. "What are you talking about" JJ said annoyed. "She said you two broke up and she wouldn't be hanging with us anymore" John B said as everyone's eyes shifted too JJ waiting for an explanation. "I don't know she just, she got annoying and I snapped" he said looking at the ground. "What do you mean that you snapped" Kie said confused. "I uh yelled at her and called her names and hit her" JJ said but said the last part very low so no one could hear him. "What was that" Pope asked worried about what JJ would say next. "I hit her okay and said horrible things too her but-" "no JJ no fucking buts you hit her?! She was our best friend and we lost her because of you?" Kie yelled. "She wasn't our friend Kie she's a kook okay she literally hung out with Topper and Rafe before she found us okay she's basically kook royalty" JJ said but it didn't help anything because everyone was still furious at him.


On my way back from the grocery store I ran into Topper and Rafe and they asked too hang like old times and I'd just lost my friend group so why not? Plus they aren't as bad as everyone thinks.

I was now on my way too a party with Rafe and Topper and Kelce. It was nice, we were joking around and just having fun and I realized that I missed them a lot they just understand me more. "So y/n I heard you and JJ broke up" Kelce asked. "Yeah he hit me and called me names and said that I would come crawling back but he's definitely wrong about that" you said. "Damn right he is" Topper said glancing back at you with a smile as you pulled up too the party.

You were standing on the beach with the boys behind you looking like literal body guards. "Hey guys wanna go get some drinks" you asked and they agreed and followed. "Four beers please" you said too John B who was filling cups. He nodded and smiled. "Thank you" you said as you handed the boys their drinks. "Hey y/n JJ keeps staring at you" Rafe said and you just giggled. "Hey Rafe wanna dance" you said as you swayed your hips jokingly. "I would love too dance y/n" he said smiling. You and Rafe made your way towards the music where people were dancing. "This is nice" Rafe said with his hands on your waist and yours around his shoulders. "It is Rafe I've missed this" you said and he nodded in agreement. "Hey I'm gonna go pee I'll be back" you said and made your way too find a bathroom. As you were walking someone grabbed your wrist. JJ. "What do you want" you said mad. "Why the hell are you dancing with Rafe Cameron?" He almost shouted. "Because I can do what I want" you said. "No you can't because believe it or not you need me y/n you always have and always will" he said with a smirked and you just busted out laughing. "I don't need you JJ, and it's ridiculous that you think I do" you said. "But take care J I've gotta go hook up with Rafe, have a nice life" you said waving goodbye as you made your way back too Rafe and kissed him hard. "Uh y/n you okay" he asked a little shocked at your actions. "I'm great I just I want you Rafe so bad" you said and you knew you had an affect on him because you saw his erection growing in his pants as you walked too his truck.


Hey you guys so I'm kinda failing school right now like I'm literally about too fail my grade and get held back so I'm trying really hard too get my grades up but if I'm not able too do that I'll have summer school which sucks but I'll do anything too pass lol. But this was a request and I'm so glad that I finally got my first request!!! I hope you like it I would tag you but I'm not sure if you want too be tagged but again I'm sorry about the slow updates guys but I'm really struggling with school so I'll update when I can until summer then I'll probably have free time too write for you guys so that's probably when I'll start updating a lot again but I love you guys stay safe!!

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