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After seeing that horrible scen I walked out and before that could

happen the police came to me and said

Minho:"Miss Y/n we actually want to talk to you for a moment"
Y/n:"Sure what is it?"
Han:"we want to know where do you leave again"
Y/n:"sure"I give them my ID that has all my privet information and not gonna lie while they are taking a look at it I was getting nervous becouse why are they checking me?
Seungmin:"Okay so we would like to visit you and also see your house"
Seungmin:"well becouse apparently somebody that we won't say the name talked to us saying to keep an eye on you and we did but we need to see your house for confirmation"
Y/n:"a-ah okay"

Why the heck did they searched for me?who said to them that they should keep an eye on me?

I.N:"So can you come with us since we wanna see your house"

Fuck!Irene's privet things are all over my house,but they are inside a closed

that you don't really notice when you come inside my house,let's just pry for the good

Changbin:"Okay let's go then"

I stood up and I walked out and them following me on the back

Thanks god there isn't any students at the hall in the moment or my reputation would go down

I walked inside the car and they asked me to give them directions to my house

Once we walked out the car I got inside my bag my  house key and I opened it

I then let them in first and I closed the door,not gonna lie I was thinking

of murdering them but they are too many and probably 4 times stronger then me

I then led them to my living room and they started to look at all the corners of the room

I just sit on my kitchen counter and I started to eat some chips with coke

Minho:"So can we ask you some personal questions Miss?"
Hyunjin:"Okay so,let's start,do you live alone"
Bangchan:"Where are your parents?"
Y/n:"they actually leave pretty far from me"
Han:"oh really?"
Hyunjin:"can we know where?"
Y/n:"ummah in America"
Y/n:"In San Diego"I said the first city and country that came to my mind since I didn't want them to talk to my parents
Hyunjin:"can we talk to them?"He said while not leaving my eyes
Y/n:"umm I don't know,I need to ask"
Bangchan:"Don't worry we will call them and have a talk with them"
Han:"Yeah a talk between adults"
I.N:"Can you give us there phone number?"
Y/n:"S-sure"I grabbed my phone and at this point I didn't know what to do anymore,what number am I going to give them?

Then my house number's came to my mind and I looked up to search at the contacts since I probably saved it

Y/n:"umm here,332..."

Once I finished giving them my house number they putted a bracelet on me

to know where I am going at anytime and I am sure that it does more then that

And once they left I walked in my room not even bothering to change my chothes

Next day

Today I woke up by my house's phone rigging I ran to the living room and I answered it

Han:"Good morning,is this Miss Kim Y/n family talking?"
Y/n:"uhh Yes,why what happened"for a moment I forgot about what happened yesturday and when Han talked I finally woke up
Han:"well we wanted to talk about your daughter"
Y/n:"what did she do?"I said while imitating my mum's voice
Han:"well in her school there is something going around that she might be involved in the death of some of the students and we wanted to warn you all about this and if you can to keep an eye on her for her safety too"
Y/n:"uhh s-sure"
Han:"Okay that's it ma'am thank you and see you around"

Wow I thought that they wanted to meet up with my parents but they don't which is nice

That is great less work for me to do,today I didn't have anything to do

so I decided to go to the supermarket and buy some stuff for me

Time skips

After walking from my house to the supermarket I started to get some

stuff that I need this week amd while I was looking for a good quality of meat I sew Mr.Kai

He is holding a lot of things in his hands and so for my own curiosity I started to follow him

When he payed for the food I did my own thing to and I left with him

I left my bag full of food in my door and I ran to his house to see what he is doing

And he is on the phone talking to somebody I walked to his opened

window near where he is and I can hear him laugh and talk to

Who is Mr.Kai talking to?
Will Y/n kill him woth success?

A/n:"Hi guys👋did you all listen to BTS 'butter'?it's lit!!!and Joy is finally going to making her own m/v anyways I hope you all like this chapter and if you did please leave a vote and have a nice day"

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