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I left them talk to each other but I left feeling very mad and sad at the same time.

After finishing the food that I made in the tray I started to search up for Sana

To tell her about the new girl and I am just gonna pour my frustration to her.

But I couldn't find her anywhere I know for sure that she is in school

since we walled in together but I don't know where.

The bell rang and so we started the class,it was so damn boring.

Once the bell rang I ran towards the cooking club,while texting

Sana to ask her where she is and putted a small little note on Irene's locker.

This is what I wrote to Info-Chan
"Hi Info-Chan I want you to provide me all the informations that you can get about this girl"

I putted the picture that I took a few minuets ago of the girl that

was talking to Irene and then I processed of putting the letter in the box.

I walled out the classroom and then I heard my phone ring it was Sana.

She said that she went out this morning to go back home since

she was not feeling well so I had to continue the day by my own.

I didn't want to stay alone in the table so I just started to walk outside to admire the nature.

While I was eating my sandwich I came across a gruop of girls which is called the delinquents.

I was curiose about them of why students are scared of them so I just sitted on a near bench next to

them and I started to watch every single move they made

And I can already tell that I am making them uncomfortable and one of them

That I think is the leader came to me and started to threaten me for no reason.

???:"Can you get out from our territory?"
Y/n:"What are you talking about?this is the school it's nobody's propriety and I can go where I want"
???:"well you probably don't know who we are"
Y/n:"Yes I do and more then what you think"
???:"Well are you trying to provocate us then ?becouse if that is your goal you are doing a great job but i don't think that you will came out of it alive"
Y/n:"You see I am not scared of you,you all should be scared of me so can you please excuse me?"I said starting to get up.
???:"yeah run away from us bitch"
Y/n:"what did you just said?"I said turning around to get a better look of her face.
???:"I said run little bitch"she said moving her head and walking towards me.

Y/n:"Do you seriously want to try me?"
???:"Well since you are the one who started it"

She came to me and looked into my eyes deeply and then she turned around which is a very big mistake.

Becouse once she turned around I holded a strong grip on her hair and I started to pull it.

And then she tried to stop but it was to late becouse my grip was

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