¤-1st Date -¤

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Time skip

Jimin:"It's time to go back home now,ah I wish I could pass more time with you"
Jennie:"Well we can if you wamt to"
Jimin:"really?,when are you free?"
Jennie:"I am actully free anytime"
Jimin:"umm what about this night we go in a restaurant in the town"
Jennie:"that sounds nice here,take this"she said while giving him a piece of paper
Jimin:"what is this?"
Jennie:"This is my number so you can call me anytime you need help and also for us to talk about our plan in this date"
Jimin:"o-okay I appreciate that,thank you I promise as soon as I go back home I will text you"
Jennie:"Ah no problem and don't worry there is no rush,so see you later I guess"
Jimin:"Yeah see you to night"

Then Jennie walked towards his direction and she leaned to his

face and give him a small peck on the check he blushed and then

Jimin said:"I almost forgot here,this a gift that I bought for you"he said while lying for the last part
Jennie:"what is this?"She said while shooting him a smile
Jimin:"found out yourself"

She opened the gift as fast as possible and then she had no

words which means she likes the necklace

Jennie:"Jimin you didn't have to"
Jimin:"well for someone as precious as you do it is worth it"

Jennie said thank you to him and he proposed to put the buetyfull neckles on her neck

they both go in their separate ways

But before that I heard Jennie yelling Minnie's name she have must been gone..

And then I got up from my spot and I also helped Irene,my god

her hands are so tiny comapred to mine and it's also soft.

We both walked inside the school and walked towards our own lockers without saying a thing

And then I heard a gasp from my back and a small 'aww'I looked

back and Irene sew my gift and note for her and then she called me

Irene:"Look what I've got"She said while showing off her box of expensive chocolate
Y/n:"Wow those looks very tasty"
Irene:"wanna have some?"
Y/n:"are you sure?"
Irene:"yeah you have all my permission and these are also too much for me"
Y/n:"okay then"I said while heading towards her

I eat a few chocolates and we also agree on walking together back home,finally I can be next to her

Irene:"So how are you feeling in this new school?
Y/n:"I actully like it at first I thought that it would be boring but it's not so I am very happy about it"
Irene:"That is very nuce and remember that me and my girls are always here for you and Sana"

Auch well that hurts the fact that she said 'my girls' in that tone of

voice as if they are her girlfriends my God

But I am not gonna harm any of them becouse it's still not necessary

We still continue to talk until we arrived at her house.

Y/n:"So see you tomarrow I guess"
Irene:"umm how do you know that this is my house?"She said while looking at me
Y/n:"Well y-you just stopped walking that's why I thought this is your house"
Irene:"Oh okay well you guess it right this is my house,do you wanna come in?"

I was going to say yes becouse why not?but someone interrupted

me before I coukd say it becouse my phone started to ring I looked

at the user and it's Park Jimin oh God this kid

I knew exactly why he is calling and I need to go to the rescue so I have to leave my little baby alone

I said goodbye to her and made a lame excuse and I proceeded to go

to the restaurant and I called back Jimin saying to him my plan

I said that I would suggest to him as always

I said to wear something fancy and then I ended the call

I walked in the restaurant and then I walked towards the bathroom to change my chothes

I said to Jimin to meet me up on the back of the resturant before

he goes in so I could check if he did a great job and he did

He was wearing a blue suit that looks expensive and he had a bouquet of flowers in his hands

And before I could make it to the back I sew Jennie on a table near

the window waiting for Jimin to arrive

I said to him to go inside and to meet Jennie he did as I said and

everything went smoothly while I was taking the orders of the

customers I was also talking to him

Time skips

It was time to go back home and now Jennie and Jimin were going back home too

Jimin asked if he could take her home and she accepted the request

He texted me a thank you and that I could stop suggesting him

Since he can probably handle the situation by himself

And now here I am walking to get the last bus to my house but

before that I heard small cries in a very dark alley

Who is the girl crying in the alley?
Will Y/n talk to her?

A/n:"Hi guys,I wanted to tell you that you all are doing a great job and thank you so much for all the support I wanted to tell you that if you liked this chapter don't forget to leave it a like,have a nice day and Happy Easter byeeree"

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