¤-2nd enemy-¤

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Once the teachers came in the scen they were already on a phone call with the ambulance and police.

And at that specific moment when the bell rang the police came to investaget and they all came to each classrooms to talk with each students.

Cleaning time

Since they still didn't made it till my classroom we were asked to

stay while the others students that got interrogated can go back home from this stressing day.

So while waiting for my turn I was thinking of a story to say and so did Sana.

And while we were thinking of what to say we were sitting on one of the bench outside the gardening club

I heard two familiar voices I looked up and followed the voices in the direction that I'm hearing more and more lauder.

It's Joy and Seulgi with my love Irene,they were walking towards us with their backpacks on their shoulders.

Joy:"Hi girls how are you?"
Sana:"We are good how about you?"
Seulgi:"We are good too we just got a little bit tense since there is the police here"
Sana:"Well we are nervouse too"
Joy:"Why?It's not like one of you killed Somi and her little friend Jisoo"

We just laughed it off and we started to talk about random things but is mostly Sana,Joy and Seulgi that are talking.

While me and Irene are in our own world,We kept on talking but not really we are just talking with our eyes.

And after awhile it was time for me to go to the cooking club and do my usual routine after school of distributing the food.

I walked up and she almost followed me,how cute,but she stopped when they all looked at her,she sitted back.

I said a qick goodbye and I walked inside the school but before going to the cooking club class

I wrote a small note to her and left it on her locker,this is what I wrote

"I'm crazy in love with you Irene Bae,and this world dosen't deserve an angel like you"

And after that I walked inside the cooking club and I started to prepare the food but before I could even leave

I heard the school's speaker call my name to the room that they are using as an interrogation room which is the library.

I walked towards the 2nd floor and got ready for all the questions that I was going to be asked.

I knocked on the door and waited for them to tell me that I could enter once I sitted on the chair infront of the 3 police

They said their names that it's Jisung,Felix and I.N and then they started with the questions

They asked me some basic questions like,what is my name and surname,when and where I was born,my parents name and number.

I answered their questions with a very calm voice not wanting to be caugh or I will never see my baby.

And then they asked me the 2 final question that I was waiting for to be ask,

Felix:"what did you do this morning until the lunch time"said the guy with freckles.
Y/n:"this morning I did my usual routine once I came in school I waited for my friend Sana to come and we both walked together to the school before class and then when it was finally lunch time I walked in the fountain to eat with my friend where the crime was made"
Jisung:"umm interesting"
I.N:"okay one last question miss Y/n do you know or did you ever had any type of relationships with miss Somi and Jisoo?"
Y/n:"well I wouldn't say that I had a relationship with them I just talked to them two days ago"
Jisung:"And what was the talk about?"
Y/n:"I just asked them if we could take a picture for my memory book which they both said yes"
I.N:"Okay that is it miss Y/n you can go now,if you need anything you can call us and if we need anything from you we will call your parents"
Felix:"Yeah,thank you so much for your collaboration miss Y/n"
Y/n:"No problems I hope that you all can find who did this to the poor girls"
Jisung:"we will"

I finally said goodbye to them and when I came out the library the ball rang and

I just got my stuff in my locker and I went to find Irene to see if she is going home safetly.

4th day/Thursday/1st week

At school

I am now outside in the fountain and I went in here becouse I decided that I wanted to step up my friendship to a real loving relationship

with Irene by having the excuse of talking to her everday by giving her food from the cooking club.

I was happily walking towards her when I sew that she is talking to a girl

I walked closer to have a better look of the girl's face and I sew that she had a foulard

But when did she even joined the cooking club?I need to know is this thing trying to ruin the things that I worked hard for

I guess there is a new enemy

Who is Y/n's new enemy?
Did the police know that Y/n is lying amd that she coused the death of the two students?

A/n: Hi guys I want to say thank you so much for the support that you all are giving to this book.
I want to tell you that if you liked this chapter don't forget to leave it a like if you enjoyed it and to follow me if you always want to be updated with my future books.
Have nice day and bye.

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