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When the two finally arrived at the place near the gardening club

I started to talk to Jimin on what he is going to say

Y/n:"Okay greet her as always and ask her how she is doing"I said a little bit moody since I still can't get over the fact that Jennie sitted next to my baby Irene
Jimin:"Look who we have here!"He said exitedly
Jennie:"Hi Jimin"She said while blushing,oh now she is blushing?I swear to God I hope that Jimin and her are going to end up together or I will kill her with my bare hands for what she just did to Irene.
Jimin:"So how are we doing ma'am"wow Jimin really did changed for her,a few day ago he wasen't this confident on talking with her.
Jennie:"I am actully fine and I am so happy but also quite sad"
Jimin:"Huh?Why? what happened?"
Jennie:"well I am happy becouse we already found who is going to be my romeo in the drama but today Minnie didn't want to talk to and I don't know why"She said while pouting when she talked about her situation with Minnie.

Well no wonder why,you just got her crush on your knees

Y/n:"umm say that everything is going to be fine and that Minnie is just probably having a bad day and that tomarrow she will talk to her again"

He reapeted what I just told him and Jennie felt a little bit better

since she just lit up her head from the ground, they talked a little bit

more and I didn't suggestid him as much as I expected I think that he is ready to be with her

He dosen't feel awkard to her anymore and he also became

more confident and more popular since he changed his apprerance,

I don't know why but I felt like I was a mother in one way or other I am pround

I don't usually get this type of feelings it's only for Irene

They both ended their meet up by saying goodbye to each other and

surprisingly just like yesterday Jennie gave Jimin a kiss on the

cheek and she also gave him a hug while Jimin gave her a matching bracelet

The bracelet was in a form of a heart and one have a boy that

was given to Jennie while to Jimin was gaven the other side where there was a girl

When Jennie left Jimin alone I walked up towards him snd gave him a tap on the shoulder

Y/n:"You really did great today"
Jimin:"ah thank you,do you think she will confess to me tomarrow under the confession three?"
Y/n:"Yes,And I will even give you a reasune why"
Jimin:"why do you think so?"
Y/n:"Did you see the way that she looked at you today?"
Jimin:"what do you mean?"
Y/n:"She looked so lost in your beauty that even when the two of you are talking she couldn't keep up becouse she was so enchanted by you"
Jimin:"If you say so"
Y/n:"See you tomarrow I guess I will be next to the confession three so you don't have to be nervouse"
Jimin:"Okay bye have a nice day"

I walked back inside the school and I was ready to go back home when Jernnie called me

Jennie:"Y/n umm can I go back home with you?"
Y/n:"Ehh?"I didn't know what to say since I could care less about her but why me?anyways you know what I will say yes becouse if not she is probably going to be with Irene and I don't like that

Jennie:"I know that this is out of blue but I can't find Minnie or any of my friends and going back home alone scrares me so can you plase go back with me?"
Jennie:"Yay!You are not going to regreat this!"

We both got our staff from our own lokers and then after that we walked towards the bus stop

and on our way there she kept on talking about various stuff,I didn't even know that she is this talkative

anyways she walked back home safely and so did I

once I walked inside my house I heard something fall from my room

I thought that there could be a thief so I ran as fast as I could towards

my room with a baseball bat but when I came in there I didn't find anybody

instead i found my window open,oh gosh did I forgot to close the window this morning?

I closed the window wide open and I took off my shoes and

uniform and got myself ready to take a shower

but while I was taking a shower I could hear from the other side of

the door that there wa someone walking,am I going crazy?oh my

I finished my shower and I walked out the bathroom and

when I came in my room I was ready to find someone but as before there was nobody

At this point or there is a ghost living in my house or I am going crazy

but then something distracted me it was my phone it rang making me know that a message has arrived

I looked who it was and It was Irene I got so exited that I forgot

about the noises that I was hearing in the house


Irene:"Hi Y/n"She wrote with the waving hand emoji
Y/n:"What's up?"
Irene:"I just wanted to ask you if you are fine since I didn't sew you at lunch time and I heard that you ran away becouse you were angry"
aww she was worried about me well now I am really sure that she have concerns for me

Y/n:"umm I am feeling well becouse you are talking to me now"I wrote with a winking emoji at the end
Irene:"So do you wanna talk about it?"

Will Jennie confess to Jimin?
What is happining inside Y/n's house?

A/n:"Hi guys!How are you all?I hope you all are having a nice day if you liked this chapeter plase don't forget to leave it a vote have a nice day and byee!!"

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