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Y/n:"Can I talk to you for a moment?
Iu:"Sure,by the way my name is Iu"
Y/n:"Nice to meet you and my name is Y/n"
Iu:"Nice to meet you too"She said while giving her hand for a handshake
Y/n:"So I wanted to ask you if there is any possibilities that I could be a member of the gardinig club"
Iu:"Sure you can,what I am asking for is just to participate in an extra activity and to also come in the club atleast once a week"
Y/n:"No problem"
Iu:"Okay here put this and you are finally a gardinig club member"

I putted the flower on top of my head on the left side and then I

applause when I was nominated to be a club member,I looked at

where the claps where from and I found two girls that are probably

from the gardining club too just by lookong at the flower on top of their heads

Iu:"Hi girls,by the way this is one of our best members is this club,Ningning and Jihan"
Y/n:"Hi nice to meet you my name is Y/n"I said while waving and smiling at the same time to them
Iu:"And what about you Sana do you have any interest on joining the club?"she said while smiling sweetly at her
Sana:"Ohh no no no,I am here just to give some company to my friend Y/n"She said while shaking her hands in a 'no' motion
Iu:"Okay well see you later then"
Y/n:"Yeah bye and have a nice day"
Iu:"You too!"

We both left the garden and came inside the school

While we were talking about random stuff in the hallway we

heard a scream in one of the restrooms specifically the abandoned one

We both ran as fast as we could and we found Jennie sitting on a

chair with her arms tied up in a rope and then their is Minnie with a knife on her hand

Sana:"Minnie what are you doing,put that knife away"
Minnie:"Well I was just trying to solve a little problem but I guess I don't have just one problem I have three Problems now"

Me and Sana looled at each other and we already know what to do

Minnie ran towards me with her knife and she is ready to stab me with it

Fortunately ran to the other side of the bathroom to avoid it

and I made it infront of the mirrors and there I got the idea of smashing it and

getting a piece of the broken mirror to use as a weapon

She ran again towards me and this time she got me on my left stomach

Jennie started to scream since she sew my stomach with blood and

Sana started to scream for help while Minnie was frozen I bet she

didn't thought that she could have hurt me and that she could go to jail

A teacher finally came to the rescue and she helped me up from the ground

She sew the blood and called the ambulance and for Minnie the police

Then I started to loose conscious and when Irene came she started

to scream my name and she even cried while she was fighting the teacher

that was pushing the students out the restroom and that was the last thing that remmember

Time skips

I finally woke up but I don't know for long I have been asleep

I looked at my side and I sew Jennie in a bed too

Then I also sew Jimin on her side and in my part of the room I sew Sana,Irene,Joy and Seulgi

I looked at Irene and honestly I could do this for my whole life time

Anyways after some time Joy woke up and she notice that I was awake

She said that she would call the doctor and that everything was going to be fine

When the doctor came in everyone started to woke up and even Jennie

After the doctor finished with checking us up Sana started to

talk about what happened since I really forgot why I was in hospital

Sana:"Okay so,do you remember that we were talking about something in the hallway and that we heard someone screaming and that person was Jennie,we both ran to rescue her and when we came in the bathroom where we sew her we also sew Minnie,you started to fight her while I was helping Jennie to get off the rope from her but then Minnie stabed you on the stomac and you lost conscience"

And after that I started to remember everything even the moment that I sew Irene

While we were talking to each other Jennie started to talk for

everybody to shut up and listen to her

Jennie:"Everybody can I please have your attention for a moment?"
Joy:"Yeah go ahead"
Jennie:"So first of all I wanna say sorry becouse I am the reasun that we are here but now I also wanna say to you Park Jimin that I love you and that I wanna be with you,will you be my Romeo and will be Juliet?"
Seulgi:"Wow that is a cheesy confession"

We all laughed at Seulgi's comment but then got our attentions back to the two


What will be Jimin's answer?
Will Y/n win this time too?

A/n:"Hi guys I hope you all are having a nice day/evening/night
If you guys liked this chapter please leave a vote gave nice day and byeee"

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