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Time skips

We just finished eating our dinner and we cleaned all the mess that we did,I

am cleaning the table while Irene is cleaning the dishes even tho I insisted to clean everthing by myself

Y/n:"Here this is the last plate"
Irene:"Okay,do you wanna watch a movie or do you want to sleep since you look tired"
Y/n:"Yeah I wanna sleep,let's go"I said while giving my hand to her and waiting for her to hold it

She holded my hand and we walked to the bathroom

I started to wash my face and so does she,I then putted some soap on

my hand and I rubbed it to make a foam,then I putted it in my face and I washed it with water

I then tapped my face with a towel and I putted some cream on my face to end my night routine

Once I finished I looked at Irene who have a mask in her face

Y/n:"why do you put mask on your face?"If I have to be honest I don't really know why girls put a sticky thing on their faces even if I am one of them
Irene:"To have our skin soft like a baby and to make us more relaxed"She said while brushing my hair
Y/n:"ahh okay"I said while looking at her in the big mirror
Irene:"You look so pretty baby"
Y/n:"thank you"I said shyly since I didn't expect her to say something like that out of nowhere

After finising our night routine we both walked back in my room to find our way to our dreamland

But while I was having a dream where me and Irene were walking around and

having fun when suddenly it become coudly and Irene was not next to me anymore

I started to turn around and to start to search for her but I couldn't so I started

to scream and cry and then I woke up......

By Irene who is shaking me and when I stood up from my sleeping position

she hugged me since I was crying while sleeping(idk if that is possible but let's pretend it is in this story)

Irene:"shhh don't worry I am here"
Y/n:"I-I"I couldn't even form a sentence from how scared I am from my nightmare
Irene:"shhh calm down everything is going to be alright baby"

In the past 5 minutes I didn't said anything,all you could hear was my

hiccups and my small cries here and there then Irene was comforting me by hugging me and caressing my back

Irene:"Do you want a glass of water?"She said with the softest voice ever
Y/n:"Ye-y-yeah"I said between my hiccups
Irene:"Small breaths small breaths,repeat after me,in and out"She said while breathing in and out while making me face her

And while I was trying to breath normaly back,Irene started to walk

downstairs to my kitchen with me in her embrace and she

putted me on top of the counter,and she got me a glass of cold water with ice

Irene:"Good job"She said while making me sip my water since I finally calmed down

We finally cameback upstairs when I was feeling a little bit better and

Irene hugged me untill I sleep like a baby

Next day/Friday

Today I woke up and I was greeted by Irene who just came out of the bathroom

Irene:"Good morning darling"she said while checking her uniform
Y/n:"Good morming"I said while still adjusting my eyes to the sun
Irene:"How was your sleep after the nightmare?"
Y/n:"I sleept better"
Irene:"Nice,do you wanna go to school today?"She said while slowly walking to my bed
Y/n:"Yeah,do you feel better?"
Irene:"Yeah,do you wanna start preparing now?"
Y/n:"mmmm"I said while standing up and starting to prepare myself for the day

We both walked to the kitchen and since we didn't wanna be productive

we just started to make some eggs and we tosted some bread with a milk on the side

We eat our food silently while I was sitting on top of her lap and I was taking small bites of my bread

After finishing the food I finally started to go to the front door to go out

We both walked calmly to the bus stop and this time Mr.Kai was there

Mr.Kai:"Wait you were the girl from the other day who dumped in to me right?"
Irene:"Well I didn't but you did dumbed in to me"
Mr.Kai:"Well still my bad"

Once the bus came I dragged Irene on the last sits and I looked at her face with seriousness

Y/n:"Don't talk to him"
Irene:"Huh why?"
Y/n:"becouse I don't want you to"
Irene:"Why I can do whatever I want"
Y/n:"oh really?"

How will Y/n respond Irene?
Will Mr.Kai be safe?

A/n:"Hi guys👋this is A/n I wanted to tell you all that if you liked this chapter please leave a vote and have a nice day❤ and I am also sorry if there is any mistakes in this chapter since I didn't read it"

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