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She helped me up from my wheelchair so that I could sit on

the gound where there were some food and games to play

Y/n:"Wow what is this all for?"
Irene:"I sew that you looked very lonely and I figured it out that doing a small picnic won't hurt"
Y/n:"Thank you"You said while opening your arms for a hug

She went in and I felt like the world was slowing down,I finally

know how does it feel to be next to your soulmate

We played a few games here and there,eat some food and took some picture

We talked about Minnie and what is going to happen to her which is pretty much go in jail

We even took some photos and I putted one as my lock screen

Time skips

I took the last chip from the colorful plastic bag and it was

night time since it started to be a little bit windy and the sky was becoming dark

Irene helped me up and we both safetly walked back in the hospital

We were ready to sleep and this time Irene was sleeping on the other bed where Jennie used to be

I feel asleep after staying awake for over 2 houres since we came back

The next day I woke up by a knock on the door I said 'come in'and the

doctor with the nurse on her side walked in they all checked me up and Irene also woke up

She walked out and while she was out I started to prepare myself

I putted some chothes on and I got my stuff back

When Irene came back with breakfast

We eat the food inside her car on our way back home and she even

proposed that if I wanted to she can stay with me and help me but

I refused if tho I wanted her to stay so badly but inside my house

there some of her stuff and I am afraid that if she sees it she is going to say that I am creppy

I sew that she was sad when I said no but it's for her own safety

I walked inside my house and I said thank you to Irene but something unexpected happened

She leaned to my face and she gave me a kiss on the check

I didn't know what to say and either does she so we just said

goodbye and I walked up in my room

I started to take off my chothes and I putted a new one that is very comfortable

I started to organize the stuff that I stole from Irene and now after a

few houres someone knocks on my door

I opened the door but before that I looked at the window near it and it was Sana

I smiled and opened the door for her,she was so excited to see me that she even hugged me

Y/n:"Okay let's stop now,don't act like we didn't sew each other a few day ago"
Sana:"Well I am excited becouse you are finally home that is why"
Y/n:"Fine,fine come in"I said while giving her a signal to come inside my house

We talked for a little bit and then she talked about someone to me

Sana:" Y/n today I am actully here to say to you something very important"
Y/n:"I knew it!"I know her too well she came here not becouse of me but to talk about something
Sana:"Okay so hear me out,It was night and I was done with work on the Thursday,I was ready to get back home but I sew the group of Irene,I was wondering what they were doing out in the night so I followed them but it was not just me who was following them there is this creepy girl wearing all black and have a messy hair I have seen her too in the school she is one of the students in the occult club but I am not very sure with her name but I do remember it starts with H"
Y/n:"Well I guess I know what to do tomarrow"I said while smirking and giving a sip of my cup.

Next day

Like the other nights I planed what I was going to do to these

people that have nothing to do but to be on my way to get in a relationship with Irene

Anyways I walked inside the school and a lot of studenys were

looking at me as if I was an alien and some came and asked me if I was fine or if I needed help

I refused and then I calmly walked in my locker and on my

way to my class a boy stopped me and it was Jimin he said

Jimin:"Hey Y/n!I wamted to tell you thank you so damn much for helping me out with Jennie and if you need help you can always call me"
Y/n:"Ah don't worry I don't need your help and your welcome I always knew that you and Jennie were a good match"

We both got in our way to our own class and before the lesson

starts onther voice called my name and this time it was Bambam

Bambam:"I heard what happend to you are you fine?"He said out of nowhere
Y/n:"Uh oh my God,you scared the hell out of me"
Bambam:"s-sorry I will go now"
Y/n:"what?!no stay,I didn't mean to be bitchy"
Bambam:"I didn't mean to scare you either"
Y/n:"Well I am fine,I still have the scar,but I can stay at school"
???:"Here you are,I was searching for you!"
Bambam:"S-sorry Alexa I didn't mean it"
Alexa:"Don't worry but next time tell me when you are going somewhere,so do you wanna go in class now?"
Bambam:"Sure,anyways Alexa this is Y/n and Y/n this is Alexa"
Alexa:"Oh hi there,nice to meet you"
Y/n:"Nice to meet you too"I said smilling weakly since I felt a lot of pain in my stomach
Alexa:"Wait are you the one that got stabbed by the crazy girl?"
Y/n:"If the crazy girl's name is Minnie then yes"
Alexa:"Omg that was a lot of courage from you,that girl is really crazy"
Y/n:"thanks"I said while smilling

They both left and I started the lesson since the ring bell as soon as they left the room

Who is the creepy girl?
How is Y/n going to eliminate this new anemy

A/n:"Hi guys👋,how are you all doing?I hope you all are fine and that you all are taking care of yourself anyways I wanted to tell you that is you liked this chapter leave a vote have a nice day and byee"

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