"Why does he suck?", Gu ming asked dreamily after taking a sip of his glass filled with his favourite selection of wine.

"He didn't bring rabbit one and, rabbit two, back home. He thinks that rabbits can infect me. Its always the humans who get me sick!", He wailed louder gathering some attention towards him. He signalled for his butler to take care of those people who were gawking at them and continued to listen to the man's ramblings.

Wei Wuxian over the period of half an hour, over which he had finished a whole bottle of wine and a glass of champagne; he did not bother to even ask the barkeep for more. He simply took whatever he wanted with his hands and gave him the card to charge him of the things he consumed.

The cherry red boy, talked about how Jiang wanyin was an asshole and why lan qiren should not live in a house all alone-- primarily because his age could be compared to that of a dinosaurs according to wei ying-- he dragged Jin zixuan next, he blamed the peacock(?) For throwing him under the bus for just a penthouse.

The last one of all the people in his rant was, Lan wangji. Wei Ying started sobbing his hearts out, the moment he mentioned his future husband's name.

"H-he-- h-he.", Gu ming nodded encouraging the man to go on with his little rant. His lips wobbled so adorably that the older swore he wanted to worship the man for the rest of his life.

"He thinks she isn't real!", Wei Ying wailed, fresh tears left his grey, wrung out orbs. His eyes no longer held the silvery streak, the tears had reddened his eyes so much that Gu ming, swore that he might as well start crying along with him.

"Who isn't real?", He asked curiously. Wei Ying was drunk out of his mind, he mostly slurred out words at the moment. The tears had long stopped coming, right now, wei wuxian was raging out words which did not make any sense.

"The lady in the mirror!", Wei Ying arched his back in his drunken daze and hung low from his seat like a sloth. Gu Ming sighed and pulled him up but, wei ying was reluctant to stay the way he did.

"She's everywhere. But, Lan 'an says she isn't real.", Wei Ying's lips wobbled once again. Though he was as drunk as a drunkard, his kind still seemed to work pretty well. He still remembered the words that left Lan zhan's mouth that day when they got engaged.

It wasn't a surprise that Lan Wangji, had always suspected the lady being real. But, he had never really told wei wuxian that she wasn't real. That day being the last resort, Lan wangji lost his temper and told him what he thought of her being a real person.

"Awww~ I'm sure that she's real.", Wei Ying's eyes opened as wide as a tubelight. His wails had suddenly stopped. Gu Ming, bit his tongue anxiously and waited for the rabbit-like boy to start crying all over again.

"Thanks~ you---youu~ are a good man.", Wei Ying giggled and started to pat the older man's shoulders. Gu Ming, suddenly, felt thousands butterflies in the pits of his stomach fluttering around. A part of him felt immensely jealous over the fact that it was Lan wangji, who had bagged a man like wei wuxian, and not him. But, he knew his barriers, he wasn't going to do anything until he knew that he was allowed to do so.

"You're always welcome.", Gu ming winked at wei wuxian, who was busy downing another glass of champagne.

A few minutes had passed by just like that. Gu ming was looking at wei wuxian like a love stricken man, and watched him get drunk out of his mind. The sudden curiousity hit him hard and he knew that couldn't refrain himself from saying it.

"Hey, Wei Wuxian?"

Wei Ying, whose head was down onto the table was about to dry heave when he heard his name being taken. His drunken mind was trained enough to give him answers which were planted into his mind. Before, he forgot his own existence, wei ying looked at his friend and squinted his eyes.

"Who that?", He asked poking his thighs, his head felt too heavy to even look up at Gu Ming at the moment. Gu ming chuckled and shook his head, before he ruffled wei ying's fluffy, grey hair, he didn't forget how they were turning brown their roots; indicating that he had dyed them long ago.

"Someone I know.", He lied through his teeth. It seemed as if he was a perfectionist at lying, his eyes did not quiver once nor did they shy away at the sight of wei ying's grey eyes. Gu ming was a man who lied a lot, mayhaps. 

"What's the time... Lan 'an hates it when I come back late.", Wei Ying slurred trying to fish his phone out of his pocket-less pants. Gu ming chuckled and took a note of the time, they had been slurring words at eachothers for over three hours now. 

"Why don't you call your master then, eh?", Wei Ying nodded when he finally found his phone. He dialled the first number his finger came in contact with-- it was certainly a mistake, but, let's not acknowledge that-- he giggled along with Gu ming and pressed his phone against his ears.

"What the hell. Its almost one, why are you calling me now!?", A familiar voice screamed into wei ying's ears making him pout all of a sudden. Gu ming took a note of his look and laughed before he called Jian kai.

"Thanks for letting me know the time. But~ be a good puppy and pick me up.", Jin zixuan grimaced on the other side and looked at his wife who was laughing silently.

"No~ no~! You are the puppy.", Gu ming corrected pressing his phone against his ears.

"Oh--- damn~ hello to you too. Damn~  you need to stop and greet me, you bastard!", Gu ming sassed looking at Jian kai, who tries his best not to laugh at the drunken men.

"I have your puppy with me. I need treats and a billion yuan if you need him back.", Gu ming threatened as he ruffled his friends fluffy hair.

Seconds after, the man disconnected from the call. Gu ming and wei wuxian started drinking once again. This time it was Gu ming, who was telling him about himself. With fake sobs and slurs everywhere, the duo had caused a whole new commotion in the club.

"We should do this more often!", Wei Ying screamed for no reason at Gu ming, who happened to be right next to him.

"Uh huh!", He retorted back much louder.

"My master sucks!", Wei Ying screamed much louder, to Lan wangji's disappointment, he was standing right behind wei ying. If only he got rid of his mask, wei ying would truly know that his master was behind him.

"Sure he does!", Gu ming retorted back kicking his legs in the air. Lan wangji internally grimaced before he glared at Gu ming, who knew about his arrival.

Lan wangji did not pay much attention to how drunk wei ying was and picked him up with ease. The younger giggled and got comfortable in his fiance's arms and waved at Gu ming, who laughed in return.

He lightly gagged under his mask when he smelt the strong scent of alcohol hitting his nose. Wei Ying sure had a high alcohol tolerance but, though he knew that he wasn't allowed to get alcohol in his system with several pending treatments, alcohol was something not very good for wei ying.

Welp! It wasn't as if the younger was doing drugs. Looking at the several bottle of wines ans champagnes, the older man realised that wei ying's new friend seemed to know what he preferred the most. It left him stunned, how the man got to know about wei ying at such a short time.

"We're going home.", He whispered into wei ying's bright red ears. The younger wriggled in his arms like a wild cat and shook his head.

"But, master!"

Oh--- they were going to have a very long talk tomorrow.


No extras since this author feels dead inside.

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