Chapter 39 : Christmas

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Calypso's POV

Calypso groaned, knowing she was going to be late to the Christmas party. She had stayed with Leo at his workshop while he was working on something again.

"Leo, how can you possibly be late to a party at your house?" She asked the boy in the seat next to her.

"Hi, I'm Leo Valdez, have you met me before?" Leo replied with a laugh.

"Yeah, I know you're always late, but to a party at the house where you live?"

"Hey! I've never been late to one of our dates!" Leo complained.

Calypso chuckled. That much was true. In fact, he'd always been at least five minutes early to their dates. 

Nevertheless, she sped up more, trying her best not to get a ticket, but also not wanting to be more than five minutes late.

"Sunshine, you realise I have motion-sickness, right?" Leo mumbled.

"I know you do, Leo, but I don't want to be late, and we're going in a straight line, for now. I'll slow down when we get off the motorway." She replied, grabbing his hand to comfort him.


"Why is your workshop so far away from your house anyways?"

"Because Piper's dad is super famous, so the house is in a really posh area." Leo explained. "You don't find many workshops filled with greasy men and women who like to get their fingernails dirty and grimy."

"Fair enough." Calypso muttered. "Surely Piper's dad has a massive garage, why don't you just use that?"

"I don't want to set fire to or blow up his Lambo, or his Ferraris, or his Huayra, the Aston, or-"

"Ok, ok! I get the point!" Calypso cut him off, not wanting to hear about how many more cars Tristan McLean owned. "Does he really have that many?"

"The guy is famous and gets paid hundreds of millions of dollars for each part he plays." Leo replied, laughing. "He had more money than I have missing homework assignments."

"That's not physically possible, Repair Boy." Calypso chuckled. 

There really was no way that was possible, because Leo spent every minute of spare time he had in the workshop, and though Calypso also spent a lot of time there, she usually did her homework while watching him work.

"I'm sure it is."

"No, it isn't. You spend all of your time in that workshop. The last time you turned in homework you did yourself was in grade school."

"How do you even know that? You only arrived this year?"

"Jason talks, and Piper loves making fun of you." Calypso answered. 

"Yeah, I love my friends." Leo sighed with fake sarcasm. "It's not my fault I can't be bothered with homework and have more important things to do."

"The Valdezinator is more important than homework?"

"I built my own musical instrument! I think that's more important than school."

"If someone other than you knew how to use it, then maybe." Calypso laughed. "Hell, you don't even know how to play it."

"Well... yeah ok. I just pushed some buttons and music happened."

"I- "Music happened"? That has to be the dumbest thing you've ever said. And you've called yourself "McShizzle" before." 

Calypso turned onto Piper's driveway and slowed to a halt, trying to stop laughing at the memory of Leo playing his idiotic Valdezinator.

"Well you certainly took your sweet ass time." Piper said as she opened the front door, cocking a brow at the two.

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