Chapter 29 : He does it again!

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Katie's POV

Travis would not get out of Katie's mind, and for all of the wrong reasons.

It wasn't like Travis wasn't always on her mind, because he always was, but ever since his last prank on her, which was now a week ago, he'd been quiet and closed off, his smiles and laughs were fake, and he often disappeared during the breaks.

The only ones who seemed to have any idea what was going on were Percy and Leo, but their lips were sealed shut.

It wasn't surprising that Percy was keeping quiet, that boy seemed to consist of secrets, but the fact that Leo had kept his lips sealed, even after Reyna had given him her most fierce glare, one so powerful that even Thalia was cowering before it, was incredibly impressive.

But their silence spoke words as well. It told Katie that whatever it was, was incredibly personal, and most likely painful to talk about.

Katie was crushed as news reached her, and her friends, that Travis would not be starting the soccer game like he was supposed to, due to the fact that he'd aggravated the sprain in his ankle.

Connor of all people had delivered the news, which was odd.

Ever since, in a bid to prevent the school from blowing up, Connor had been sent to another school, Katie hadn't heard anything from him, and he hadn't come to visit.

But there he stood, delivering the horrible news, and Katie noticed that he had a pained look in his eyes as well. Nowhere near as extreme as Travis', but it was there nonetheless.

Must be a family situation then. Katie thought to herself as Connor disappeared again.

"Who the fuck decided it was a good idea to let kids play a soccer match on a Monday afternoon?" Reyna grunted as she and Percy joined their merry group to support Travis and Frank.

"The same idiot who decided it was a good idea to bench Travis." Katie growled and the others laughed.

"We're not just here to support Travis you know." Hazel said with a smile.

"Did I say that?" Katie was slightly ticked off to say the least. "Sorry." She added, looking down in shame.

"There's no need to apologise." Annabeth said.

"Yeah, if I apologised every time I said something even slightly mean to someone, people would think I'm Canadian." Percy laughed.

"What was that about no racial stereotyping?" Frank asked, suddenly appearing behind Percy, but he was smiling as well.

Hazel shot up and ran towards him, hugging him tightly, causing quiet laughter to pass through the group, especially since Frank was now a blushing mess.

It was obvious they liked each other a lot, but neither seemed brave enough to do anything about it.

"When, and I'm being fully serious here, do we put those two in a closet so they realise their feelings?" Leo asked as the two walked away for a moment to chat.

"I don't know, but I'm pretty sure the answer is soon." Piper replied.

"Agreed. This is taking to long." Reyna said. "Don't you even dare." She added, pointing to Percy without looking at him.

"I wasn't going to say anything." Percy replied, raising his hands in surrender.

"Sure you weren't." Reyna shot back, her words laced with sarcasm.

Moments later, Hazel reappeared, without Frank, who'd most likely gone back to the team so they could get started.

"Ask him out yet?" Katie whispered with a smirk.

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