Chapter 17 : The M.E. is gonna need a bigger van

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TW: Blood, violence and a lot more dead bodies. Be warned: Shit is very much about to hit the fan.

Percy's POV

Percy watched with rage as the boy with the eyepatch walked towards them, gun drawn, just like Luke's other lackeys.

There were about 30 of them in total, not including Ethan. Nothing Percy couldn't handle, and he even had Nico and Reyna by his side. This was going to be a walk in the park.

Percy didn't exactly enjoy killing. Did he enjoy the adrenaline from a good fight? Of course he did. That's why he and Reyna sparred at least once a day, but killing was another topic.

That conscience was quickly thrown out of the window, though, as he realised that if he didn't kill them, they would never stop coming. Coming for him, his family, his friends, Annabeth... 

He couldn't possibly live with himself if another person he cared about got hurt, especially if that person was Annabeth. He had no idea why, but she'd grown on him incredibly quickly.

He would have gone on and on about the beautiful blonde girl that never left his mind, but he was pulled out of his thoughts by Nico.

"Nakamura..." Nico growled. Percy knew Nico had quite the issue with Ethan. "Luke got you doing the dirty work again?"

"Awww, is the witle emo angwy?" Ethan mocked.

Percy discreetly looked over to Reyna, who mouthed something to him. Distract. Dogs.

Percy knew what he had to do, and he knew exactly how he was going to do it. After all, he knew the exact pressure point to push when it came to Ethan.

"Kill yourself, Nakamura?" Nico spat. "How's your mom?"

Well, it seemed that Nico had beaten Percy to hitting Ethan's soft spot, but he wasn't about to have Nico have all of the fun.

"Nico, be nice, we both know that he had to kill his poor mother to prove his loyalty to Luke." Percy smirked. "Poor Nemesis, slaughtered by her own dear son... and all because I let slip to Luke that you were having second thoughts."

Ethan's face morphed into an expression of pure rage. He stormed towards Percy, winding up to punch him.

Just as he was about to throw the punch, there was a loud howl a few yards into the forest. That was all the distraction Percy needed. He nodded to Reyna and Nico, and they set to work.

AN: I don't like doing mid-chapter POV switches, but for this chapter to work the way I want it to, I have to, so sorry about this.

Reyna's POV:

Reyna pulled one of her pistols out of it's holster with her right hand, while pulling her golden combat dagger out of it's sheath with her left hand. Her favourite combination.

She charged towards one of Luke's lackeys, covering herself with her own gunfire and plunging the dagger into the side of his neck, pulling it out as blood splattered onto the forest floor. 

Quickly taking cover from the heavy fire being brought upon her behind a tree, Reyna saw that Percy had gone ballistic and was butchering and slaughtering anyone within his reach. He already had a gunshot wound, but didn't seem to care. He moved with unreal speed, swiping and slicing with Riptide.

Nico meanwhile, had taken his favoured "invisible assassin" approach, disappearing into the shadows, only to reappear and snap someone's neck or stab them, before melting into the shadows again.

Reyna heard the familiar click of a gun with an empty magazine and dropped down onto one knee, placing two perfect headshots on the two that had been focusing on her.

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