Chapter 16 : Diggy Diggy Hole

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TW: Corpses and skeletons? Is that a trigger for some people?

Jason's POV

As they were digging, Jason had been thinking about how his life had gone downhill faster than that old man in that song about giving a dog a bone.

He had no idea who he could trust anymore. He'd witnessed Percy and Reyna slaughter people and watched as Nico "showed mercy" by slicing someone's throat.

Those weren't really the types of people you could ever trust, especially Nico. When Jason had first been introduced to him by Hazel, he'd instantly been suspicious of him, which resulted in a big argument between him and Hazel, causing a crack in their friendship that still hadn't been healed.

Now, after everything that had gone down in the past twelve hours, Jason knew he couldn't trust the small Italian boy anymore, nor could he trust his two childhood friends.

What bugged him the most was that no one else seemed to be mistrusting of them. Not even Annabeth, who was basically the queen of not trusting people. She herself had said they couldn't trust Reyna and Percy, and it was now obvious as to why.

The words Piper had told him still rung in his ear, how Percy and Reyna both had found somebody they fancied in their friend group, but he wasn't sure.

Piper. That was what bothered him most and probably why he was so pissed off and wary at that moment. He'd planned on making a move on her during the sleepover, taking her up onto the roof of the shack and just talking to her, but that had all gone downhill.

Jason thought back to what Reyna had said moments before they arrived at the dig site.

"Don't be mad at us for ruining your chances with Piper. We didn't, they did. And it's not like your chances are any lower now."

What did that even mean?

"I found something!" Hazel's call knocked him back in focus.

"Yeah, there's just one big problem." Will announced as he looked into the hole she'd dug. "That's not a human bone. That's a dog's bone."

"Motherfucker killed a dog as well?" Jason heard Piper growl next to him and couldn't help but smile.

"Keep digging underneath!" Annabeth told them. "Luke's an asshole but he isn't an idiot."

"Agree to disagree." Percy grumbled.

"Ok, maybe a bit of an idiot." Annabeth admitted, smiling at him. "What I mean to say is, many serial killers hide their victims under animal bones, that way they're hidden away better from most GPR's and such."

"Uhh, what's a GPR?" Jason asked, slightly confused.

"That's off topic, but it's a ground penetrating radar." Leo replied. "I built one freshman year, remember?"

"That's great MacGyver, but we're still missing three bodies, so let's get back to work please." Reyna said, already walking back to her hole.

"Always a Rey of sunshine, huh?" Thalia replied with a shit-eating grin. Everyone groaned at her idiotic pun.

"You're lucky you're so damn hot Grace, or I'd have killed you by now for those shit puns." Jason hear Reyna mutter as they all went back to digging.

Jason pulled Annabeth aside for a moment. "Do you really trust them?"

"Jason. No. I know where you're going with this. Stop with your childish "I don't trust Nico because he doesn't talk much" routine. Nico's broken. Very broken. I mean, we are literally digging up what will most likely be the rains of his sister here." Annabeth growled at him. "I know this whole situation ruined your plans for Piper, but that girl is head over heels for you, so just fucking take your time and wait this out."

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