Chapter 27

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"Touch my ass again and I'll bury you" I scowled Blaise currently mad at his dumbass.

Your probably wondering what the hell is going on, we'll this is what happened.

2 days ago

This morning I had a lot to do as usual. I decied to actually workout today for some reason.

After I had on my work out clothing I went to the gym and practiced.

I wanted to fight but all the recruits were lifting weights right now.

"Blaise!" I said trying to find him.

After a lap around the house Blaise was no where to be found. So I went to Faze room. I knocked them opened the door.

"Where is Blaise?"' I asked looking at Faze whom was doing yoga I guess.

"He went on a assassin mission, it was pretty dangerous so he told me not to tell you" Faze said before closing his door.

I can't believe Blaise would do that without telling me, I always alarm him before I leave let along a mission.

Because what if it goes wrong, What if he gets hurt then I won't know. I took some deep breaths and decided to just punch the punching bag.

Once I finished my workout I went upstairs to shower, Reminding myself I still have a appointment with Kat later.

I changed into mom jeans with a belt, a lace tank top tucked in and some white shoes.

I approved of my appearance I went downstairs told my father I was leaving then I went off to Katherine office.

Since I was early I made myself comfortable to her snack cubbies.

"Sorry I'm late" Kat said buttoning up her white button up.

"It's fine" I said in bored tone.

"So what's been going on?" Katherine asked plopping in her chair.

"Nothing much" I responded.

"No proble-" she started but I cut her off with my daily rant.

"You know what I do have a problem with that dickhead of a boyfriend of mine, He went on a dangerous mission without telling me. I tell him everywhere I go... Not to mention I can't decide if I should buy purple slides or pink" I spilled out.

"You should definitely buy pink, Brightens your skin. And you and Blaise should work on communication. Just talk to him when your ready" Katherine encouraged

After she asked me a few more questions about my mental health. Finally the appointment was over and I went back home to my surprise there stood a Blaise in the kitchen.

I simply walked up to my room and changed into my black bathing suit, That I accidentally bought when I was drunk.

I got my beach towel and walked down stairs with my sunglasses on.
Blaise then stopped in front of me.

"What the hell are you doing" He said examining my body language.

"Maya wanna go swimming with me?" I yelled ignoring Blaise.

"Sure give me a moment" She yelled back.

"You didn't tell me where you were going, you could've been killed" I seethed while walking to the pool.

"I didn't want to worry you, You do realize I've been on other missions and shit" Blaise said back.

"Of course I realize that, but now that I love and care for you it's hard not to worry" I said dropping the towel on our beach seats by the pool.

"Look Malva you have to have trust in me"

I dropped my sunglasses.

"I do have trust in you, it's not you I don't trust it's the people your on a mission with, You could've told me. Because if you didn't come back I don't know what I would've done, now if you excuse me I have to tan... in peace" I said putting back on my sunglasses and laying on the beach chair.

The next day.

Today was the day the recruits get an off day, meaning we went up to the cabin.

Which means we have to rent a bus and shit.

I didn't do it, So I let Faze and my father handle all that.

Me and Blaise haven't talked since our little disagreement.

I was all packed, I ordered another bathing suit a week ago it's so fabulous too. Maybe I have a spending problem.

On the bus:
GMW moment, ifykyk.

Everyone was boarded even Rosie and Freya.

We rented our mafia blacked out bus I don't know why we chose this one but hey I don't know.

I was walking to the back because Rosie was crying and Freya needed some help when the bus driver aka Faze. Pressed the breaks so hard which made me fall into Blaise lap.

The only way he caught he was buy holding on to my waist.

"Let go of me" I said attempting to get up but that didn't work.

"We need to talk. Again"

"Ok well then speak. And this time keep your hand off my ass" I said death staring Blaise.

"I was.....wrong, I should've told you". Blaise said sincerely, I rarely here him admit he's wrong so I took that.

"And I should had more trust in you, therefore I apologize" I mumbled for only Blaise to here, So no one else get the idea that I'm giving out apology's or something.

I turned around to look at Faze who had this proud or something smirk on his face.

Then he observed my hand.
"You still wear the ring" he said referring to the one he gave me at the bakery.

"Of course" I said looking at the ring.

"How would you feel about real diamond?" Blaise smoothly said.

"I guess we'll have to see" I finished off.

I turned around to look at Faze who had this proud or something smirk on his face.

"Stop moving" Blaise said shuffling around.

"We'll your the one who is keeping me here so if you ho- " A hand was smacked over my mouth.

"Remove your hand before I bite it off" I mumbled into Blaise hand.

"Your so violent"

I then felt a hand on my ass literally, I turned around to see a smirking Blaise.

I stepped on his foot which made him let go and I went to the back with Freya to talk to her for a bit.

"You do realize everyone seen that" Freya pointed out.

"Seen what?" I asked eating the baby's fruit snacks.

"Seen how you know then you know"

"No I don't know Freya" I said dramatically

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