Poly!Queen: Sickness⭐

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 ChristianODowd Here's Your Request  

Freddie slinks out of bed out of his boyfriends' arms, his stomach churning. It felt like a sea during a rough storm being tossed and splashed around. His stomach gurgles and he's hugging the toilet for dear life as he upchucks whatever he ate last night.

Freddie is so busy hurling he doesn't hear the sound of creaking floorboards and the concerned sounds of his boyfriends. A hand is slapped onto his forehead, Roger's raspy voice tunes in his ears as he gasps and pants,

"He's burning up."

Freddie's eyes watered as he tried to throw up again but had nothing left to throw up. Brian rubbed his back and John wiped Freddie's mouth off. They comfort him and bring him back to bed. Freddie needed to rest whether or not he wanted to or not.

The young man looks into John's smaragdine colored eyes. They always brought him comfort, always filled with kindness and warmth for his boyfriends. John squeezes his hand and kisses his forehead,

"You'll get better, Fred."

Freddie smiles weakly. He felt like total shit. The room spins and he throws up on the floor, "Oh dear." Brian's voice was soft,

"I'm sorry." Freddie cries knowing the rug was a wedding present from Brian's mum,

"It was hideous anyway." Brian laughs cleaning it up, "You just added some flare to it."

Freddie sniffles and whimpers. His throat felt like someone rubbed sandpaper in it and rubbed salt into the wound. Freddie coughs up something and spits into a napkin John handed him.

"I think you have the flu buddy." Roger chuckles holding a spoonful of medicine to Freddie's lips.

Freddie allows Roger to spoon feed him the medicine and Freddie's face sours, "It tastes like ass!"

His boyfriends burst out laughing, "And how would you know what that taste like?" Roger teases,

"I've eaten yours before." Freddie replies grinning.

Roger shuts up as the others laugh at him. Freddie giggles softly and buries his face into the cool pillows, "Let's get little Freddie a bath."

Freddie flips them off, "Call me little again and I'm kicking your asses,"

Brian scoops him up in his arms and carries him bridal style into the bathroom. Freddie unceremoniously dunked into the bubble bath John had setted up for him.

Freddie groans softly and lets the hot water soak him and destress him out. It felt like wonder and whoever bought the lavender bubble bath soap was going to be rewarded once Freddie stops feeling like death.

John's calloused hands ran down Freddie's body trying to get the soapy water all over him. Freddie groans softly, John's hands were his favorite. They seemed to know the right places to be.

His boyfriends wash him down and smother him with kisses. Praising him for being so good. Freddie is just glad the vomiting stopped. He didn't think he had anything else in him to upchuck.

Freddie is towel dried off with a big fluffy blue towel. He's scrubbed down with it and put in his flowery kimono. He looked handsome in it.

The trio shove and push their way into the kitchen trying to get food for Freddie. Only Brain and John could cook, and they made him a batch of his favourite soup, spicy chicken noodle. That will surely cure him.

"Oh Freddie we have something for you." Roger says in a sing song voice

Freddie perks up. He can smell it, it smells heavenly. So he knows Roger didn't make it. Freddie lets himself take another dose of nasty medicine and gets pampered and spoonfed his soup. Somehow it stayed down and didn't make a reappearance.

Then there's a rumble in his stomach. Before he can make it to the bathroom brow liquid is everywhere and Freddie's kimono is ruined so is the bedsheets. Freddie is hosed off in the shower while John and Roger clean up the mess.

They don't bring it up when Freddie comes back recleaned. They give him room to get up and use the bathroom easier. They wanted him to feel comfortable. Freddie felt like a big baby. They must truly love him if they are willing to clean up his shit and vomit.

Roger kisses his cheek gingerly and Freddie's given the liquid medication again and a few small pills that can help him feel better. Maybe finally get rid of the fever. He's still warm but not deadly warm like he was a few hours ago.. It was slowly breaking but not fast enough for their liking.

Three days into Freddie feeling like death he starts to feel better. The fever broke away entirely and he moved around more tired of laying. He brushes his teeth and gets himself some tea. Then from upstairs he heard the awful sound of throwing up. Someone new is sick.

Freddie walks upstairs and into their room. Roger and John were both emptying their stomachs out on the floor. It was a mess poor Brian was trying to help them out. Freddie leaps into action. The duo take turns caring for their boyfriends. After all in sickness and in health they will always love each other.

Looks like Roger and John both got what Freddie had. Now Freddie can give them the nasty medicine and have his revenge. Roger and John both gag while taking the gross god awful medication. The spoon makes it taste worse it seems.But they take it to prove to Freddie it isn't that bad and it is. Brian is the only one who hasn't gotten sick yet. He's the last man standing.

Not for long. The next day Brian's sicker than a dog in the summer heat with no water. Now Freddie plays nurse and takes care of them all. Freddie pays them back for their kindness by nursing them back to health. He knows that he's taking care of three fussy babies; he never wants real kids. That is for sure,

After a month of hell everyone is healthy and happy again. Until someone gets the common cold and all hell breaks loose again

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