Platonic!Fredcheal: My Baby⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's your Request

Freddie coos softly and chews on his teether sitting in his crib. He was wide awake and ready to play. He starts to get hungry and it seems like his pater, George Micheal, isn’t coming anytime soon.

Freddie had to get his pater's attention. He couldn't go without attention for long! He'll die! This isn't fair!

Freddie felt the tears welled up in his eyes. Oh dear, his pater hasn't check the baby cameras yet! Oh what if he's dead! Freddie will never see his dear old pater again!

Freddie begins to wail and cry, throwing himself down. Kicking and failing. He throws his teether and whimpers, having a massive fit. How dare his pater not be there standing over his crib when he wakes!

 George comes into the room with a basket of fresh laundry.  He puts it down and scoops up Freddie in his arms, “Hey, hey. Sweetheart, are you hungry?”

Freddie nods and whines. George gets him a sippy cup and his apple pie oatmeal, and some blueberries and bananas. George sits him on the couch. Freddie shovels handfuls of oatmeal into his mouth; he's now a sticky mess. He feasts on his breakfast making a mess all over himself. 

George groans softly and tries to wipe him off but just made it more of a sticky mess. He keeps trying to wipe. It just smears around him and makes Freddie a fussy baby as oats are rubbed into his soft flesh.

George groans and takes him into the bathroom. He undresses Freddie and takes off his diaper. He gets him into the nice warm bubble bath. It smells of bubblegum. Freddie splashes around and coos, 

“Ah! You need a new hat!” George laughs scooping up bubbles and putting it on his head.

Freddie gasps and looks up at his pater, “Pater!”

George got him out of the tub and dried him off. He got Freddie in a nice orange sweatshirt and nice sweatpants. He also had cute little kitty socks on. George sits him in his playroom and goes to do laundry.

Freddie unlatched the baby gate and toddles out of his playroom as soon as George was in the basement. Freddie toddles to the living room and climbs on the couch nearly falling on his head. He gets up there and finds the remote hidden behind the pillow with a farmhouse stitched on the front of it.

Freddie gets Animal Planet on the tv and chews on the remote he had no parents around. His pater was busy and he escaped from his boring playroom. There was a clammer and he heard his pater’s laughter. 

“My boy you’re an escape artist aren’t you?” 

Freddie coos softly and acts as cute as he can be. George takes him at his play table and grabs nontoxic washable paint and some paper, “Why don’t you paint me a pretty picture?”

Freddie beams as his Pater opens the paint and he puts it back on the table. And George goes to fold up laundry. Freddie begins to pain a beautiful smear of colors all running to a nice dark slimy looking brown. With a few blips of pink and a gold glitter that Freddie found on the floor. He begins to smash paint into the carpet and on the walls. It’s all over him and his art station.

George’s jaw dropped seeing the mess. He spanks Freddie hard, it startled Freddie and he begins to cry and wail. Freddie trembles and whimpers. This was the first time his pater had laid hands on him. 

He’s put in the corner for a timeout and George begins to scrub everything down. Washable doesn’t mean non-stainable. His white carpet now had a huge brown-ish colored stain was now left on it. Looks like a unicorn took a shit on his carpet.

George was shaking once he was done. He was still so mad. George picks up Freddie and puts him in his room. George goes outside and calms himself down. He didn’t want to hurt Freddie. Fred didn’t know any better. He’s a toddler after all.

George comes into Freddie’s room. The boy is still shaking and whimpering. George sits on the floor and makes eye contact with him, 

“I sorry baby. Pater got made and he hit you which is wrong. I don’t think you can understand me, really. But I’m sorry.”

Freddie toddles to him, arms outstretched. George hugs him tight in the form of a comforting hug. He rubs Freddie’s back and kisses his head, “I love you so much, Frederick.”

Freddie nuzzles into his neck and coos softly acting adorable. George scoops him up in his arms, “Come on I think we both could use a nap.”

Freddie rubs his eyes and George gets him cleaned up and into fresh clean clothes. Which was just an adorable long sleeve pink nightgown with little lace, he has white pants underneath. And George put nice white and black socks on Freddie.

George put him on the right side where the bed is against the wall. So Freddie wouldn’t roll off the bed and would just hit the wall instead. George tucked him with baby blankets galore to keep him warm but made sure he could yank them off if needed even if this was the dead of winter a toddler has to escape their blankets.

George tucks himself in and stays close to his son making sure he wasn’t going to get hurt. Right now Freddie was happily nursing on his paci looking at the ceiling sleepily.

George smiles and closes his eyes. He yawns dozing off now. A tiny cold hand smacks his cheek and Freddie’s climbing on him now. Straddling his side and tugging on his sweatshirt, “Pater! Pater! Play time!”

George chuckles softly and shakes his head, “No. No, it’s nap time.”

With a pout Freddie curls up and pouts looking adorable. George giggles and got him his teddy. The boy relaxes and coos softly. He closes his eyes and falls asleep and George cuddles him. George loves being a parent.

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