Mattuon: Family ⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's your request

Freddie laughs and climbs up the ladder. He grabs the paint tray and begins painting the top of the walls alongside his father Brian who didn’t need no ladder as he was a tall boy.

His other father Jim was painting the other wall behind them. He stood on his tippy-toes splattering paint on the walls. Freddie suddenly stops feeling excited. He was getting a new sibling, this was really happening. He was going to be forgotten about.

Now who was going to remind him to make sure his insulin doesn’t get low? He was still a kid, even at fourteen he was still a kid who had type one diabetes and just wanted his parents he didn’t want some snotty brat. Why wasn’t he good enough for them? Are they tired of him after having him for nearly thirteen years? Is he just a burden now?

Brian pats his arm, “Hey baby boy. Why don’t we go check your insulin okay?”

Brian lifts him up underneath his armpits and helps him down. He puts a hand on Fred's back and walks him out mouthing something to Jim as they leave.

Once they were far away from the room Brian squats down so he's eye level with his son, "Now Freddie what's wrong?" 

"Nothing." Freddie looks away.

"Fred, your smile dropped and your eyes went blank. Son-"

"You're going to forget me when the new baby arrives." Freddie whimpers he wasn't going to cry he's fourteen he's got to be a man.

Brian pulls him into a tight hug and kisses his head, "You can cry. It's alright." 

Freddie doesn't know why but he cries maybe from the stress. Maybe being happy that his parents will still love him no matter what helps too.

And a month later they brought home Freddie's new little brother he had freshly turned three-years-old. The boy had wheat blond hair, shining ocean blue eyes, and a smile that could win awards. The only problem? He had severe anger issues and would shake constantly if anyone would raise a hand near him. A raised hand meant pain. He lashed out to his adopted parents and adopted brother. 

The tiny terror would leave bruises, bites, and scratches on him. Freddie tried to be a great older brother to little Roger but goddamn Freddie's going to be bald before he gets hair on his chest with the amount of times Roger yanked on his hair.

It didnt help that Jim was a doctor and Brian played lead gutair for a band called "Queen". They were hardly around. Leaving Freddie to deal with the tornado he had of a brother.

Freddie sits down and does his blood sugar test making sure his levels were normal when he heard sniffling coming from behind him. He gets up and sees Roger crying dragging the blanket he came from his last family behind him, 

"A-Are you gonna die?" Roger hiccups.

"What? No." Freddie says kneeling down opening his arms out in case Roger needs a hug which is rare. Roger rather kick you in the nuts and laughs than hug you.

Roger scampers into Freddie's arms and sits in his lap,

 " 'Ou sick." Roger states patting Freddie's finger.

"It's just Diabetes. I'll be fine." Freddie promises.

"Are 'ou gonna get rid of me..?" Roger asks looking up at Freddie with tear soaked eyes.

"What?" Freddie scrunched his face up, "You're my brother. I ain't giving you up that easily." 

Roger cries and hugs him tight, "We're going to be family forever. You ain't getting rid of me that easily." 

Brian did something different for the boys during the summer. He took them on tour with him. The boys were so excited. This was new and exciting.

Freddie squeals and climbs on top of the tour bus. He takes his shirt off, "Woo!" 

Roger who was a bubbly lovable five year old now smacks the tour bus walls wanting to climb up with his brother. 

Freddie's vision blurs and he couldn't see. His hands try and grab onto anything but he goes tumbling off. He didn't even scream.

Roger gasps he doesn't see any adults around. And his brother looks dead. Roger kicks a box over, he stands on it and shoves quarters into its slot. He punches the numbers in.

"999 what's your emergency? Do you need police, medic, or fire?" 

Roger screams into my phone, "My brother fell off the roof!!!" 

"The roof?" the sound of a key clacking, "Is he breathing?"

"I don't know!" Roger wails.

"Ma'am can you take the phone and check your brother?"

Roger squinted and saw Freddie's chest moving, "Yes he has air." 

"Alright and where is your address?" 

Roger begins to cry again, "I don't know. We parked at the rest stop. There's a dino in the grass!" 

"Alright Buckwheat Truck Stop." 

Roger keeps crying. The operator asks, "And how old is your brother?"

"Sixteen." Roger whimpers.

"And you?" 

"Five." Roger whispers.

Roger hangs up when she asks for his name. He was taught to never give his name out to a stranger.

Roger crouched near Freddie's body poking him with a stick, "Hey…. Psst…. Hey…. Are you dead?" 

An ambulance arrives just in time as a panicked Brian races out and cradles his sons. Freddie is rushed to hospital and Jim is called letting him know Freddie's hurt. 

Freddie's blood sugar bottomed  and he passed out which he then went topping off the tour bus' roof and broke his wrist but overall he's alright. He only has minor bruising too.

Jim nearly chokes out Brian when he arrives the next morning. How dare he let their babies get hurt and how they will never tour with Brian again. 

Freddie and Roger begged them to go on the next tour and they'll do better. They will be the best boys ever if they are allowed. Their puppy dog eyes and pouty lips make Jim crack and he allows it only if he could come for a day or two. And that's how a new family tradition is born.

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