Maylor: New Chapter⭐

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m4rv3l_f4n Here's Your Request

After Roger’s husband, Freddie,  left him for his baby brother he was broken. Shattered into pieces, never to be whole again. He was pregnant then, and his husband didn’t care. Just gave Roger the biggest boot and he was on his own.

Freddie’s family disowned Freddie but kept Roger in the family. They gave him a home for him and his son to live in. And Roger started working as his sister watched his son, Elijah. The boy was now three and hyper. He looked so much like Freddie it hurt. Made Roger’s heart burn. It wasn't fair. But Roger does have a chuckle as the little one has his blue eyes.

The job he had was just a simple office job, nothing too hard. Well he was more of a receptionist than anything else but a job is a job. And he needed the pay. The young father had rent to pay and a young mouth to feed. The job paid well and he could pay his rent each month and make sure his son had a good meal.  Then there was a new hire, a stunningly handsome young man by the name of Brian May.

He worked for their boss. He was basically the boss’ assistant and did anything for him and any work that he didn’t want to do went to Brian. The pair rarely talk and if they do it’s about work. They both find each other attractive. And they both are single.

Brian strolls over to his desk one day as Roger is typing away at the computer sending emails out left and right. Brian was carrying a coffee from Starbucks. He was so nervous he didn’t know what to say. So he just blurted out, 

“Hey, Mr. Taylor.” 

Roger looks up briefly, his “reading” glasses sliding down his nose, “Please just call me Roger. I’m old but not that old.”

“Well, Roger, I’m Brian but you already know that most likely as we talked only for work before.” Brian blabs more and more.

Roger smiles softly at the shy man before him. He was perfect and cute, 

“And what other reason are you here?” Roger asks as he stops typing, “Did the boss need something?”

Brian hands a coffee, “I got a spare coffee by accident and well..” Roger raises a brow, “And I wanted to ask you out.” Brian blurts it out spitting everywhere.

Roger nearly chokes on his drink, “Really?!”

And so the two planned a date outside office hours, maybe a nice lunch or dinner? Go to the Cheesecake Factory?

Roger was really excited. Finally life seemed to enjoy turning around for him. Almost two years into dating, he shows up. Roger’s ex-husband was at his desk crying his eyes out. The office was about to close for the night and hardly anyone was around. This wasn’t the time nor the place to be having a tantrum. Roger faces him briefly, 

“Get the fuck out and never come back!” Roger informs him, “I wish to never see you again!”

 “Gerry left me!” Freddie came crying to him and he looked really bad, “He found someone with more money! H-How could he!” 

Hair greasy, clothes rumpled, his face a mess. Freddie looked miserable. His chocolate brown eyes now lay red with dark eyebags painted underneath. He was a mess. Nothing like his suave self when he left Roger. It was pitifully. But Roger assumes it’s a trap he keeps his guard up.

It was almost pleasing to see even if Roger felt a little saddened by it. The blond pushed those thoughts from his head and went back to typing on the computer. Wear your heart on your cheek. But never on your sleeve, unless you wanna taste defeat.

Let the bastard crumble and fall. Even England was once great. 

Roger squints at him, “Well maybe he realized how much of an awful, selfish, abusive, asshole you are?”  

Freddie keeps crying trying to milk Roger back in, “P-Please I have nowhere to go! I’m helpless. He left me for another man!”

“Oh boo-hoo.” Roger growls,

“Please I have nowhere else to go.” Freddie begs practically on his hands and knees, “I'm sorry I cheated on you with your seventeen year old brother!”

Roger feels under his desk for the button, “I’m sorry sir, I can’t help you.”

Freddie growls and lunges at him, “I want you back! Please!” Roger presses the silent alarm.

Roger felt his head thud against the floor. His ex was pinning him down, choking him. Roger claws at his wrist and hands fighting for his life. He wasn’t going to give up that easily. 

There was a sickening thud and Roger felt the wind. He could breathe, it felt good to have air in your lungs. He coughs and sits up. His baby blue eyes water and he looks down.

Freddie is knocked out and his face is bleeding staining the cheap gross carpet. Brian is standing over Roger’s leg fist balled. Brian’s still panting he’s eyeing Freddie. His curly hair looks wild. Roger didn’t know what to do. He was scared and just wanted Brian in his arms.


Brian drops to the ground and hugs him tight. Roger felt his warm tears hit his bare neck. Roger wraps around him. His throat felt raw like sandpaper was rubbed against it. He knew it was bruised now. Roger must look awful.

Brian helps him into the ambulance. The police are asking questions. Roger and Brian answer the questions quickly before going off in the ambulance. It was scary for both of them but it all worked out in the end. 

Freddie was arrested and tried for assault and attempted murder, even better? Roger was pregnant with Brian’s child at the time. So Freddie had two accounts of assault, attempted murder, and few other charges relating to the fetus. He won’t see the light of day ever again. He’s being locked up for good. And now Roger and Brian can be truly happy without having to worry about Freddie.

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