Brother!Maycury: Get A Job! And I Have A Phobia Of Dentists!⭐

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Brian comes into his home and throws his dental textbook on the couch. There’s a groan and his older brother throws the book on the ground, “I’m sleeping here!”

Brian groans, “Get a job.”

Freddie flips him off, “I have shelter, why do I need a job?”

Brian scowls, “Fine rent is due next week I need £70.”

Freddie jumps off the couch and practically tackles his younger brother, “What the fuck! I’m your older brother! I changed your diapers!” Freddie yells.

“Come on. I can get you a decent job working at the desk of my dentist. He needs someone to help with appointments and tasks.”

Freddie growls, “I hate dentists! I hate them!”

Brian holds his hands up in mock defense, “Look not all dentists are evil and want your skull okay? Dr. Aoibheann is a good man.”

Freddie crosses his arms, “I despise that you’re becoming a dentist.”

“Will you shut up about that!” Brian shouts he had enough of his brother and his dentist hatred, “You’re going to work for Dr. Aoibheann and you’re going to like. You better give my £70 by the end of this week!”

Freddie throws the textbook at him, “Fuck you!” 

Brian knew he couldn’t kick his own brother out. But Freddie didn’t need to know that. The older man needed a wake up call and this was it. Brian felt awful as Freddie didn’t eat much at dinner. He can see the worry is soaked on Freddie’s face.

That night Freddie had a restless sleep. By the time he gets some peaceful rest Brian’s alarm is screaming from across the hall. Freddie felt himself cry, Brian would be up and he would force Freddie to go with him. He held his breath as he heard the bedroom door creak open, maybe he would forget about him.

Freddie whimpers as the door creaks open and Brian’s soft voice fills his ears, “Freddie! Freddie!” Freddie groans, “Come on I’m giving you a good job.”

Brian forced Freddie to dress nice and clean. And he takes his older brother to Dr. Aoibheann. Freddie is grumpy and grouchy; he hated being up at the crack of dawn.

Brian pulls into Starbucks and gets them both a coffee first. Freddie only wants a black coffee, Brian shrugs and got sassy Freddie some coffee. Maybe Freddie would finally stop being a grouch.

They go into the office. Dr. Aoibheann greets them warmly, he hands Brian a set of keys and gives Freddie a little bit of money for if anything needs to be bought for the supplies. Freddie is a little cold to him but Brian already explained everything to Dr. Aoibheann. So he didn’t take it that badly.

Freddie was grumpy sorting through papers and organizing the doctor’s planner. There were a lot of appointments and they were packed for two months. Freddie didn’t understand how a dentist could be so popular… Maybe they were a really good dentist? Nah, there’s no such thing, Freddie shakes his head.

Freddie perks up as they get their first patient. They are an elderly woman, their son is helping them sign in and go into the back. Freddie shakes his head, why doesn’t she just get dentures by now. It would be easier. Than seeing an evil bitch that just wants to steal your teeth. Freddie hated dentists.

Freddie does the work good, he just pretends he isn’t in this hell called a dentist office. He greets the patients warmly. He has to. Or Freddie will be homeless if he doesn’t have £70. Freddie wipes his eyes softly and looks away. He can’t believe that his baby brother would do this to him. Fred changed that boy’s diapers. Fed him, burped him, and made him clothes. And this bitch does this to him. How dare he!

Freddie finches at ever sound of the dentist’s drills or tools. It sent chills down his spine. Those poor people in their being hurt by such an evil man. How could he? Freddie can hear their squeals and please the dentist doesn’t stop. He’s pure evil. So cruel and evil. Doing experiments on helpless souls.

The bell chimes and Freddie goes to look but doesn’t see anything. Suddenly two little grubby hands grabbing onto the desk. A little boy who can barely see over the counter. Freddie smiles, he has a soft spot for kids, “Hey little guy, so you have an appointment?”

The boy shakes his head, “My daddy is the dentist. He cleans teeth.”

“Oh, okay.” Freddie goes into the back then comes back out. The patient he saw was happy, he couldn’t believe it! The patient wasn’t crying or begging for their life. They were all smiles and laughs!

“Your daddy is busy, why don’t you come sit back here with me.” Freddie tells him, “I got some coloring sheets you can have and some spare toothbrushes you can play with.” Freddie holds up the wrapped up toothbrushes that some company sends to them to give out to good little patients. Which this little boy was being. 

The boy grins and climbs into the swivel chair and squeals spinning around. Freddie chuckles softly, “And what do you want to be when you grow up?”

The boy stops spinning and pauses. He smiles and looks up at him, “I want to be what my daddy does.”

“A dentist?” Freddie pushed his own feelings away, “That’s cool. Dentists are cool… they make a lot of money.”

The boy nods and scratches his nose, “My daddy looks so happy when he works. I want to be just like him!”

Freddie and the little boy talk for what feels like hours. Dr. Aoibheann comes out with a big smile on his face, “I see you and my Davie has been getting along well.”

And for once Freddie didn’t feel some hatred for him or his assistant Brian. Maybe things were starting to turn around for him. He earned the money but Brian didn’t take it from him. Freddie kept paying rent and Brian was impressed maybe things were finally turning around for the brothers after all.

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