Fem!Peddie: I Got A Crush ⭐

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Freddie shoves her backpack into her locker. It was a new semester, she passed with all As and a few Bs. She vowed to make it a great term. This was the semester she was going to ask Paulette McCartney out. Her dream girl. The girl who made Freddie realize she was a lesbian. The woman who haunted her dreams. She had to be Freddie’s.

Joanna was too much of a bitch to deserve the angelic Paulette. Paulette needed to be treated like a fine wine not some trash that a junkie found.

There was loud talking and Freddie felt her knees tremble as the most popular cheerleader Joanna Lennon walked towards her. She’s Paulette’s girlfriend, even Paulette doesn’t like her, it’s just to gain popularity. Joanna was so far up her own ass that she didn’t notice.

 Freddie felt twenty times smaller as she cornered. Joanna jabs a finger into her chest, “Listen here Donkey Bitch.” Freddie can smell her breakfast as she screams and dogs her in front of the entire school. Even the fucking teachers were staring at them!

Freddie pulled down her top lip over her teeth, her hideous, hideous teeth. She whimpered softly as Joanna digs her finger harder into Freddie’s chest digging into the flesh,

 “My Paulie will never like such a hairy buck teeth freak like yourself.” Freddie had PCOS she struggled a lot to feel like a beautiful woman and this dug deep, “If I catch you staring at her again you're getting that ugly little face bashed in.”

She kicks Freddie hard, “You’re just a disgusting curry muncher.” she rips on Freddie’s head, “Why don’t you hide your ugly face fucking Muslim.”

Freddie shakes and feels like she’s going to throw up, “I-I’m not Muslim!”

Joanna punches her in the gut and stomps off muttering about how ugly and how much Freddie stinks. How Freddie needs to go back to her own country. Anything she could use to dig into Freddie. It all hurt.

Freddie left the school early that day and went crying to Brianna, the smartest girl in the whole school and she was already starting college. Brianna comforts her and cleans her up gingerly letting her know everything was okay, she told Freddie that she was pretty no matter what. Don’t listen to bullies and jerks.

 The curly haired woman does offer to take Freddie to Taylor’s Beauty crammed in the strip mall. Freddie practically cries at the offer and begs her to take her.

It was owned by Roger Taylor and George Harrison-Taylor, they are married and opened up the beauty shop to help make ends meet, they have a six-year-old daughter starting private school. Freddie is taken into a private room like most clients like being in during their sessions. 

Brianna stayed out. She really didn’t care for this stuff. If it made Freddie happy so be. She had no say in what Freddie did or wanted. She was her own free woman. 

Freddie strips down to her bra and boxers. She stands awkwardly in front of the two men, Roger is gentle with her easing her into plucking her eyebrows. George helps her wax and style her hair. Roger gets her dressed.

Freddie looks at herself in the mirror. And she hates herself. This doesn’t look like her at all. And the perfume is too much and it burns her nose. This should attract Paulette to her, right?

Freddie walks to the football game where Paulette would be to support her girlfriend. Paulette is still inside and Freddie rushes inside to meet her. Her heels click and she stumbles some bumping into Paulette.

There’s a small gasp and a hand touches her cheek, “Freddie?”

“Am I pretty enough for you?” Freddie asks, she tries not to cry it would ruin her makeup.

Paulette sounded flabbergasted, “You’re white now!”

Yes, Freddie asked them to make her look paler than normal, begged them to straighten her curly “ethnic” hair as Joanna would call it. Freddie felt sick,

“I-I love you, Paulette.” Freddie cries, “I look like Joanna now. I’m perfect now.” 

Paulette pulls her close, “No, no. I loved you for you. I was going to leave Joanna during the game.”

Freddie gasps when Paulette kisses her. They stumble against the lockers and keep kissing. Paulette takes her into the bathroom and begins wiping off her makeup and trying to make her hair curly again, “I love you no matter what, Freddie. Makeup or not. Whatever makes you comfortable.”

“I never want to wear makeup again. Or this!” Freddie tugs on the lace of her dress, “It’s so itchy! I feel like a whore!”

Paulette rummages through her duffel bag and finds an old sweatshirt and some jeans that had a hole on the knee. Freddie rips off her dress and Paulette blushes but keeps her eyes on the ground as Freddie changes.

“Thank you Paulie.”

Paulette smiles and hugs her tight, “Let’s go rub it in Joanna’s face.”

Freddie takes Paulette’s hand and they walk to the fields. Joanna stomps over hating Freddie being so close to her Paulette.

“Haven’t learned your lesson?” Joanna barks raising her fist.

Paulette pulls Freddie and kisses her passionately in front of everyone and Joanna. Paulette flips her off and walks away with her Freddie who’s perfect just the way she is. Freddie is absolutely smitten to have her dream girl in her arms. 

Joanna got suspended for trashing Freddie’s locker and destroying her personal belongings that were in there. She lost her scholarships when she kept vandalizing and attacking Freddie resulting in a permanent suspension and a relocation to an alternate school.

Paulette was more and more in love with Freddie each day. She kept Freddie safe as much as she could. And she even gave the beautiful golden skin young woman a ring, promising that once they are of age they will marry and then nothing can get in their way after that. It will be them and no one else. Freddie couldn’t wait to be eighteen.

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