Fredcheal: Douchebag Livestreamer and The Pedestrian⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's your request.

Also Requests Are Closed For Now Until I Get The Three Other Requests Written Up

George Micheal gets the livestream on and puts it in the phone stand in his car’s phone stand, “What’s up my Geos! George here, and we’re back with another livestream while driving to fucking high school.”

George begins speeding down the road whooping and hollering. He changes the camera so his followers can see the road. George yells at other drivers and nearly causes a few wrecks. He revs the engine, “This is like a thousand horse power, bitches! Fear me!”

George blasts the radio. It was left on Top Hits. Blasting all sorts of weird music. George turns sharply and zooms through the school gates nearly hitting the school guard who was talking to a few students.

A flood of chat takes over the screen as the arrives at the student parking lot and George looks down to read not focussing on the road, 

“Watch out there’s some n-word in the road? What?” George looks up and screams like a girl  he slams down on the brakes seeing the blur of a human coming closer and closer. Until….

The car slams into the brown skinned boy causing him to hit the windshield and bounce off the hood. George saw the cracks spider-webbing out and the large dent. His heart drops seeing the lad not getting back up. George slams the door leaving the livestream on.

“Hey you okay?” George drops down to his knees.

“Oh.” The boy groans he was a few years older than George.

George was 16 and that made the boy around 17 or 18, “Can you move? Sit up?” George asks.

The boy shakes his head holding his lower back. Then there were sirens and George panics more. He didn’t want to lose his car, maybe it was a good thing he only had his drivers permit only.

George is arrested for speeding in a school zoned. He’s fined £200 and has to do community service. George the only one who visited the boy. The name was Freddie. He was a cutie even if has damaging back problems.

“Why do you always visit me?” Freddie asks sitting up one day. His back screams at him to lay back and Freddie ignores it. 

“I feel guilty…. I could have killed you.” George looks down after placing the flowers in the vase.

“You just fucked my back up that’s all.” Freddie laughs reaching out to him.

George cautiously makes his way over. He waits to be hit or yelled out, but instead Freddie squeezes his hand. There was a tired sad smile on his face, “Maybe I should thank you for hitting me. My parents finally backed off of me and now are pestering my sister.”


“I lost my sports scholarship so I’m useless to them now.” Freddie laughs, “It’s fine I hated boxing and tennis.”

George looks down, “Oh so… this is a good thing?”

“In a way yes.” Freddie chuckles as he touches George’s cheek and George shudders, “I got to meet the most handsomest guy ever.”

George blushes, “Me?”

Freddie nods, “Mm-hmm.”

George licks his lips and leans down and kisses him. Freddie kisses him back grabbing his hair. Freddie nuzzles him, “Does your car still need fixed?”

“Nah dad took it to his shop and I’m not allowed to have it back until I’m 18 and moved out.” 

“How bad with the damage?” Freddie asks curiously. He wasn’t severely injured so he thought the damage wasn’t going to be that bad.

“The windshield is fucked and your fat ass left a massive dent. The hood can be easily fixed. The windshield’s gonna cost a pretty penny.”

“How much?” Freddie asks looking around for where he left his wallet.

“Eh it’s only going to £500.” George says softly.

“Want me to pay for it?” Freddie asks,

“No, no. It’s my fault.” George looks away.

“How much trouble are you in?”

George laughs, “Grounded until I move out. My followers are going to leave me.”

Freddie rolls his eyes, “Is that all you care about?”

“What?” George snaps.

“You nearly kill me, an eighteen-year-old, and that’s all you care about is followers.” Freddie growls.

“.. I’m sorry. I’m stupid.”

A month later Freddie is released from hospital. He walks with a cane and has a hip brace on his right side. He walks slowly with a limp. George stays by his side much to Freddie’s annoyance.

“Do you want your medication?” George asks, “You look like you’re in pain.”

Freddie’s face softens seeing George generally trying to be nice. Freddie leans against the wall being careful of his hip, “Reach inside of my bag.”

George rummages around and finds the prescription painkillers. He gives Freddie two and smiles as he takes them. George hugs him, being careful knowing how sore he still was.

“Do you think you can love me?” George asks,

“I could try.” Freddie chuckles, “I’m still a little sore from you plowing me down. I prefer if you could have just asked for my number.”

George laughs and hugs him, “Oh I love you.”

Freddie’s heart racing fast and he pauses looking up at him, “I love you too.”

George kisses him and Freddie kisses back giggling. George walks Freddie to his apartment. He doesn’t live with his parents. George eases Freddie into the bed and takes off his brace wiping off the sweat and dirt that got into the cracks and crevices. Freddie looks humiliated but George makes sure he's comfy and safe.

“Can I climb in next to you?” George asks shyly.

Freddie grunts and scoots over painfully, “Come on now. I’m lonely.”

George giggles and cuddles him, “Our love story is interesting.”

“A story to tell for generations.” 

“I ran over my future boyfriend, that's how we met!” George laughs.

Freddie squeezes George’s hand. He can only hope the Romeo and Juliet laws will protect them. He highly doubts it though. For now they’ll have each other. And George will always take care of Freddie. They will be there for each other now. Through thick and thin. This will be their love story.

Classic Rock One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora