Jimercury: Meeting The Twins⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's your request

Freddie has the table set and his twins on their best behaviour. Jim was coming over to meet Freddie's son. He was going to be the boys' future step-father. Freddie prays they get along. After all if it comes down to it, Freddie will always pick his boys. No man will get the way of his sons. True love or not.

Freddie adds the centerpiece to the table, a nice pale blue vase of flowers. They were fake flowers of course. Freddie doesn't want petals all over his table. That never looked good. 

 Freddie bustles around. Checking the clock any minute his Jim would be here and he'll meet the boys. And hopefully they'll get along and they can be a big happy family. 

Fred felt his heart racing as the doorbell chimes and his phone alerts him someone is at the door. His boys are chattering behind him; they are excited. It was time to meet the man that has wooed their mama and stole his heart.

Freddie answers the door and his heart melts seeing Jim. The Irishman has yellow roses for Freddie and some toys for the twins.

He really remembered what they all liked just from what Freddie told him. Jim is ushered in by Freddie. His sons Tiger and Sam didn't look too happy with another man in their home. It was just the three of them. Why add a fourth? 

Then they saw the toys and their eyes lit up. The strange man with a strange accent has given them new toys! They haven't gotten new toys in a long time. They are a very poor family. So getting new toys meant a holiday or there was some extra money laying around for their birthday. And the toys he bought for the boys weren't cheap dollar store toys. There was a huge container of Legos and a few dolls they've been wanting for years.

 So they will allow this man to be the fourth member of their family. After all if he could just buy toys for no reason he must have good money to buy gogurts! And ice cream! Oh they love this man already. He's like a funny talking Santa Claus. 

They thank him over and over again. Making the word "sorry" lose its meaning. They race off to their playroom with their bounty but Sam comes back and asks if Jim and Freddie would like to play too. The adults agree and off they go to play. It would be a good bonding exercise.

The four of them built masterpieces, tall rockets, buildings, walls, and some even tired to make a Lego cat, it was so fun. The boys were practically begging Jim to stay. 

Jim did spend the night and the next morning he made them all breakfast. A big huge breakfast and he washed up all the dirty dishes and the boys helped him. They earned themselves a gold star on their board and they are so close to earning a prize. 

Tiger and Sam show him all their toys afterwards. It was only proper to. Jim was so excited to be a father to the kids.

A year into their relationship Freddie and Jim sat the kids down for a serious talk. Freddie took a home pregnancy test and it was positive. Which would mean a third child. They would be sharing toys with them. Which shouldn't be an issue they've been sharing since birth.

But no this was an issue. They had to share with a stranger. Some strange child. That none of the boys wanted. How dare their mother and Jim betray them this way.

They started having more tantrums and they even broke some of their toys. Which poor Jim fixed up for them. The twins had nightmares of being forgotten and the baby taking over their home.

They started acting up in school and at home. No one knew why. It was getting bad and Jim didn't even live with them yet! Oh lord. The twins lashed out at Jim the most. Blaming him for the baby. And they stopped calling him dad which was a huge jab to Jim's heart.

So the two adults sat Tiger and Sam down one evening with sad faces. Big brown eyes and blue eyes look at Freddie and Jim. They both look miserable.

"Now can you two tell us what's going on?" Freddie asks softly.

The twins look down. Tiger the youngest by four minutes and twenty seconds is the first to speak, 

"We don't want this baby." Tiger says, 

"We don't want to share with a strange baby!" Sam crosses his arms.

"Well you don't have to worry about that.'' Jim says putting a hand on Freddie's knee.

"What?" Tiger and Sam ask.

"We went to the doctors and the doctor says there's no baby. We lost it." Freddie begins to cry.

And that was the first time the twins saw their mother cry. Sam stands up and goes to his side, "What do you mean you lost it?" 

"We'll help you find it mama." Tiger says standing up and going to him.

"N-No, no sweetheart. We meant the baby passed away. I miscarried, is the correct term." Freddie explains.

The boys looked sad. They didn't want the baby but they didn't want their mama sad. So they hug him and comfort him the best the young boys can.

"Im sorry dad, mama.' the twins told their parents for they really did. They did lose their kitten Dora a few years ago and it tore them so they can only imagine what their parents are going through.

They grew closer as a family from this. They grew stronger. And Jim had a closer bond with the boys from it. They saw him as their father. After all he was the only dad they knew. Families come in all shapes and sizes. It doesn't matter if they are blood or not. As long as you're all happy it shouldn't matter.

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