Fem!Lennison: Pretty Woman⭐

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1dkingwell Here's Your Request

Johanna was a hot woman. She had curves in all the right places and soft plush thighs. Her auburn hair was down to her shoulder blades. She was gorgeous.

Starting college was fun for her. Her daddy who had a big business paid for everything, she even got her own room. Which technically wasn't allowed but no one tells Johanna Lennon "no". She's never been told no before in her life. The best part of being rich and hot was all the men and women would fawn over her and beg to ask her out.

One girl has Johanna's eye though. An angelic young woman named Georgia Harrison. She was studying music and world religions. Top of her classes and an award winning smile.

Unlike Johnna, Georgia was more reserved and quiet. She kept to herself and tried to blend into the crowd. Her clothes were always loose and baggy, she wore no makeup and always had deep dark eye bags. Yet somehow Ms. Popular had seen her and wanted her.

"Hey sweetheart." Johanna flirts snapping her fingers at her, "What's a cutie like you doing here?"

Georgia gives her a look and holds her lunch to her chest, "Trying to eat. This is the commons."

"How about I take you for drinks after you have your lunch, darling?" Johanna asks with a wink.

"I rather kiss Malina Evans than go out with you." Georgia sneers standing up, "We all know you're just a spoiled rich whore. Who's daddy paid for you to be here. You probably don't even know what pi is."

Johanna growls, "How dare you."

Georgia smirks and that makes Johanna want her so much more. That goddamn devil like smirk. She was taunting Johanna at this point! She had to know it!

The way she held her lunch squished up her chest making her look so much more delicious to Johanna. She was teasing. She wanted Johanna Lennon. Everyone did.

Johanna stayed up late in her room. What she lacked in book smarts she had in street smarts. Her mother died in a crash when young Johanna was barely into her teens and her father Alfred Lennon was a hard working man but absent at best.

She remembers when she was a preteen cuddling her mother and touching her breast on accident. It felt wrong but right. And when she dated Paula McCartney at age 16, she learned the word "lesbian". And how their love went against God's wishes for women. Paula was sent to a Bible school and Johanna never saw her again.

Johanna shakes the thoughts from her head and begins working on her plan. To win Georgia over. Johanna needed her. She wasn't used to people tell her no. She could have everyone; girls and boys were falling at her feet. Everyone but sweet, angelic Georgia.

Georgia didn't like her. She thought she was a good for nothing, someone who had everything she wanted served to her; which wasn't far from the truth actually. Since Johanna had seen Georgia in the school's canteen, she had tried to flirt with her; giving her tons of compliments, straight out flirting and making comments about her tits, but Georgia always bypassed her.

A sick idea had started forming in her mind. She was going to have sweet Georgia whatever she wanted or not. She needed that girl. Johanna needed to feel Georgia's body onto of hers. Needs to feel the girl's fangs in her throat.

Georgia is walks down the path to the cateen. She was hungry after her final exam. The thick eyebrowed girl paused seeing Johanna seemingly waiting for her. She rolls her eyes waiting to be cat called.

Instead Johanna looked sheepish and apologetic. She offers Georgia a cigarette and says how sorry she is for being a horny bitch to her. Georgia felt like the wind was knocked out of her. The Johanna Lennon was apologizing to her. She had to have died and gone to hell.

Johanna smiles nervously still holding out the cigarette. Georgia is stunned by this behavior change and accepts the cigarette. She realized it was from her favorite brand she had a slight giggle from the coincidence. They must like the same brand. Which is odd. Georgia's brand is the cheapest out there.

She shakes the idea from her thoughts. She bums a light from Johanna, she wrinkled her nose. There was an odd flavor. Hmm, maybe it was a different flavor than she normally got?

"So why are you being so nice to me?" Georgia asks, "Normally you're trying to mount me."

Johanna puts on her best innocent face, "I realized what I did was wrong. I talked to some of my friends and I figured out how I could make up with you. How does coffee tomorrow sound?"

Georgia smiles softly, "That would be nice, Johanna. Maybe you finally changed for the best."

Johanna smiles, her brown eyes flicker down to the cigarette. Georgia was almost down to the pink line. Johanna's lip curves into a smirk. Perfect. Everything was going together.

Georgia finishes the cigarette only leaving a tiny nub, "Thank you. I must go now.'' She goes to leave.

Johanna watches her stumble and struggle to stand up. She drops to her knees and her world goes black. Johanna grins wickedly. Perfect, so perfect.

Georgia found herself passed out on a foreign bed. Her head spins and she feels sick. She goes to rub her eyes. Only to realize her wrists and ankles were bound to the headboard and the end of the bed.

"W-what?" she remembered agreeing with taking a cigarette out of Johann's cigs, and then she couldn't remember anything.

"Oh, you're finally awake"

To Be Continue....

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