Platonic!Jimcury: Love⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's your Request

Jim got out the little heart theme cupcakes and sweets. He got the heart shaped sandwiches. He had a red tablecloth over the table and cups with heart designs on them. Everything had to be perfect for Valentine's Day. It just had to be. This was their first Valentine's Day together. He finally got all the paperwork done they are legally allowed to live in England.

This is their first holiday in a new country. The two Irishmen can finally enjoy England and not need to worry about their visas now.

Freddie toddles in interrupting Jim from his thoughts. He looked so adorable and cute in his red tutu and white shirt with red hearts on them. He was in little space right and in need of some cuddles. He nurses on his heart shaped sucker and bats his eyelashes at Jim. Making the younger man practically melt.

He scoops up his little one and peppers his face with kisses. Freddie squeals and laughs patting Jim's chubby cheeks. Jim couldn't believe that he was a father. It only seems like yesterday that Freddie was born.

Jim cuddles him and gets him at the table. And hands him a pink plate with pancake shaped hearts with bacon on the side. His cup had fruit punch in it and heart shaped ice cubes. The pair enjoy their breakfast and Freddie goes to watch cartoons in the living room. Mainly Valentine's Day episodes were playing cause it was the day of love.

There was a knocking on the door Roger, and his two littles Brian and John had arrived. They were all dressed up for a Valentine's Day reds, pinks, and whites, along with some blacks. They looked adorable. Roger had painted little hearts on their cheeks and John had pink heart earrings on.

Joh was the most decked out. He really loved pink. Pink was by far his favorite color and it was clear as day that he really, really liked pink. Brian was more into the dark colors and he was grumpy about it.

John and Brian went off playing with Freddie all the toys and candy left scattered out. They are cramming everything into their mouths. Roger and Jim basically have to manhandle their littles to not get overly stuffed on candy. For lunch would be coming soon and they shouldn't just get full on sweets.

Freddie chews on a Lego and swallows it. This will be a nice surprise for his daddy when he goes to help Freddie in the bathroom later.

Soon lunch came around and the heart shaped food was passed around. The kids went nuts for it. Jam was everywhere and the adults didn't realize how toddlers get sticky so fast! They spend the next forty minutes after lunch scrubbing things down and cleaning up kids. It was awful. It looked like a Valentine's Day murder with all the strawberry jam everywhere. It looked like the toddlers were zombies with all the red jam all over them.

Freddie ran around in his diaper after his bath and since Fred was doing it the others had to do it too. John and Brian ran only in their diapers stomping about and being little terrors like most hyper toddlers are for some fucking reason.

Jim and Roger begin to wonder why dress the kids up! They are just going to run around half naked anyways apparently. And break your belongings.

The kids eat more sweets. Now hyped up on sugar Roger takes his boys to their grandparents' home for a nice visit letting Jim have Freddie for the rest of the day. Freddie groans and rubs his swollen belly stuffed to the brim with candy. He would never go that wild again.

Jim rubs over his belly and gives him kisses. He loves to spoil his baby and today Freddie was really spoiled and I bet Freddie is regarding that now. He looks like a round little balloon. Poor wittle Freddie. All stuffed with fluff.

"P-Pa." Freddie whines holding his belly.

Jim hushes him and gets him into the bath. The warm water was soothing and calm. Put Freddie at ease. It helped his achy belly. The water nearly puts him to sleep.

Jim gets him out and dries him off, "Someone is sleepily."

Freddie coos softly and lays against his daddy. He was sleepy and full of Valentine's Day goodness and he was ready for bed.

Jim puts him in his Winnie the Pooh onesie and tucks him in for the night. Jim goes downstairs and relaxes some. His baby was asleep and it was time to have a little drink of strawberry wine.

Jim opens it up and licks his lips. He takes a few drinks, oh this was a fun Valentine's Day. He drinks and watches some cheesy movies on the TV.

Then there was the pitter patter of little feet and the small sniffling. And the ever so faint, "Pa?"

Jim groans softly and turns to face his boy, "Yes, Freddie?"

Freddie makes room on Jim's lap and curls up. He nurses on his thumb and sleepily watches the tv. His room was scary and he didn't want to be alone right now. What if monsters got him! He's too cute to perish!

Jim drinks his wine. And Freddie makes puppy dog eyes at him, "No Freddie. This is grown up juice."

"Pwease daddy?" Freddie whispers.

Jim sighs, "One sip."

Freddie's eyes light up and he takes a big massive sip. He wrinkles his nose, "Bad."

Jim shrugs and drinks. He thought Freddie would just curl up and fall asleep. But no a few minutes later Freddie is tugging at Jim's shirt,

"More bad pwease?" Freddie asks cutely.

"Ah fuck it its the day of love." Jim hands him the bottle.

Freddie drinks more and burps happily. He giggles and starts to doze off. Jim takes the wine from him. Father and son shared a drink together. It was good bonding and Jim couldn't be more in love with his boy.

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