I could imagine the smirk on his face. 

"They are very similar, but they also live worlds apart," I said. 

"I'm glad that we live in the same world. Even if we separate into different worlds, we always find ways to get back together," Percy expressed quietly. 

"Wow, that was so cheezy," Percy finished with a chuckle. 

It was so sweet and genuinely loving despite being a bit cheezy. 

"I love you, Seaweed Brain. I'll see you when you get here, but please be prepared. We only have one shot at saving the prisoners and stopping the weaponry transport that will happen within the week," I said sternly. 

"I love you too, Wise Girl. We already figuring out a plan. We got this," Percy said smoothly. 

While confidence was key in our line of work, this was going to be hard. Very hard. 

Regardless, we had to try. 

With a few last words, I regretfully hung up the phone. 

However, my smile didn't falter as I walked back towards Reyna and sat down. Just having Percy and my team again gave me hope and comfort. 


A scream interrupted the trance that I was in. I was standing guard and watching over the prisoners who were working with the weapons. 

My attention immediately turned towards the woman. 

Two soldiers were dragging her away from the site. The young woman was screaming to let go of her. She was begging them to set her free. 

I watched in sorrow as they dragged her away before I started walking towards them. 

"Soldier, where do you think you're going?" a lieutenant barked. 

A large, dominating man named Polybotes walked towards me. His footsteps were heavy and his face was stern. The leaders and lieutenants didn't wear masks. His mouth spat into my face as he stopped right in front of me. 

"Sir, I was only going to use the restroom," I said smoothly. 

"Soldier, I've had my eye on you since you've come back from Greece," the lieutenant said as his face caught a twisted smirk. I felt sick and disgusted. 

His hand came forward and touched my waist. 

I immediately backed away and slapped the lieutenant. Men like him didn't deserve any respect or encouragement from women. 

"You bit-"

"Don't you freakin dare," I spat. "Unless you want to get reported to the bosses, I recommend that you step back, you bastard." 

The lieutenant backed away with an angry expression. 

"You're lucky that someone's here the protect you. Of course, our soldiers pick victims that cannot and will not be protected," he snarled. 

Suddenly, my mind raced back to the woman that was dragged away. 

It was horrible, and my blood was boiling with anger and venom. I watched in madness as the lieutenant walked away with a sickening chuckle. 

I turned around and ran in the direction that the young woman was forcefully taken away. The woman must've known what was happening and that's why she was screaming and shouting and crying for help. 

Of course, the prisoners were too scared to help. 

And, the other nasty soldiers were probably accepting the situation with ease. 

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