Ignoring the state of her current appearance Guang Wang Lei stood by the corner of the bed. With chilling eyes, "Didn't i tell you that there won't be a next time? Talk. Why did you sneak into that courtyard?"

Xing Chu Lin trembled in fear under his gaze. She did not even have the courage to look up to his face. Was she gonna die by his hands?

"Speak." An authorative voiced demanded.

Her shoulders flinched. She moved her lips to speak but the words that left her mouth weren't the ones that Guang Wang Lei wanted to hear. "Before I tell you anything, I want you to promise me something."

His eyes narrowed at her head that was still bowing to him, unable to face the bloodlust in his eyes. "You dare to think that you have the right to propose conditions before me? Don't think I can't kill you?" He thundered angrily at her.

Xing Chu Lin squeezed her hands and shut her eyes tightly. She was so afraid of her lover's current self. She was so afraid of being killed by his hands. Still not daring to look up at him she spoke in a very low voice. "Sobs. sobs. All I am asking is not to kill me with your hands. You were my lover. Lei Lei, the last thing I want is to die by your hands. I don't want that. Don't want that. Sobs. sobs."

Guang Wang Lei frowned. He stared at her bowing head, his hands dying to chop them off this instant. A memory from his past flashed in his mind. The image of a woman with silver hair being beheaded by the sword sheathed at his waist. "Given that you haven't turned into a monster yet....." He spoke coldly. "I will give you another chance. I won't kill you if you talk."

Xing Chu Lin felt her heart squeezing tight. His words shocked her and instead of feeling happy or relived she was so shocked that it left her speechless for some seconds.
"Well speak." Only when his voice boomed in the room did she snap out of her shock then she finally gave him the answer he wanted to hear.

"It was a voice." She spoke. She was still bowing her head so she did not see the frown on Guang Wang Lei's face deepen a bit. She did continued to answer. "The voice claimed that it belonged to the voice of the gods."

Gods? His eyes slanted with disgust. By gods, did it mean the ones that tried to attack him from time to time?

"They called me the daughter of fate. And the voice kept urging me to get rid of someone. They said that this person was a danger to this world. They said that if I, as the daughter of fate, did not get rid of him, it would lead to this world's and my life's doom. And that.....if....." she sneaked a peek on his face cautiously before continuing. "If...I were not to get rid of Chu Gui, I won't be having a happy ending with my lover. So they taught me of a way to get rid of him with ease." At this point she was being very submissive telling Guang Wang Lei everything that voice had said her to do. When she finished she noticed the troublesome face he was making.

"Where is the poison that you were talking about?" He asked.

Xing Chu Lin gave him the poison pill. Her fingers trembled nervously.

Guang Wang Lei examined the pill in his hand. "This...is not an ordinary pill...." His eyes squinted with profound sharpness. His hands began twitching, a violent thirst for blood Shed surged from his body. "There is no doubt...." He thought. There was no doubt that the soul residing in Chu Gui was the target of the gods. The same gods that had been following Guang Wang Lei every then and while, trying to kill him from time to time. When he was travelling around the universe looking for the two people he wanted to find, he had encountered some powerful people who referred to themselves as gods. He snorted at their poor attempt to try and murder someone while using the daughter of fate of this world. However, according to his knowledge these gods were unable to cause physical intervention in these type of worlds, and judging by the way the current Chu Gui acted, Guang Wang Lei's intuition was telling him that the force that was controlling the actions of the soul inside Chu Gui's body did not belong to the gods. Meaning there was a bridge that connected these gods to interfere indirectly with these worlds. He gave the pill one last glance before tossing it inside his mouth.

Chew. Chew. Chew.

Xing Chu Lin gasped at his actions. Her eyes widened in disbelief over the fact that her lover had taken the poison pill.
"Th....this.....Lei Lei....are...you okay? That pill dangerous..... is dangerous..."

He ignored her concerned gaze and swallowed the pill. "Hm....." He could feel the powers of the pill taking effect. A frown formed on his handsome face. How strange. This pill was strange. It wasn't even lethal. He let the powers of the pill spread in his body. Guang Wang Lei snorted when he finally realized the purpose of those gods.
"So they were trying to trap him in this world by making him swallow this?" He snorted. But why would they want the soul of that person trapped in here?
The pill was not even a poison pill. It was actually a curse pill. Guang Wang Lei could feel a strange force binding his heart, and this same force tried to strain limitations to his godly powers. Surely by taking this pill any person would not only loss their ability to wield magic but this curse would also bind them, restraining the will of the person, the victim becoming a marionette of the curse. He killed the effects of the pill taking action inside his body. Guang Wang Lei was a special person so this curse pill was just a trivial kid's spell. The pill was destroyed by his mana in an instant.

Xing Chu Lin stared at him trying to find traces of being poisoned. Thankfully she did not see anything wrong with her lover. She heaved a sigh of relief.
Having his bussiness done he was about to leave. But before turning back his footsteps halted. He gave her a side glance. Then he spoke.
"I am not your lover. The Guang Wang Lei that loved you is already not here anymore."

Xing Chu Lin heard him speak. At these words she looked up hesitantly at him. She was confused and reluctant to believe his words. But deep inside she knew the answer already. This man was indeed not her Guang Wang Lei. He was not her lover. She had been trying so hard to deny this truth but now she did not have the will to fight for this man's affection who wasn't her lover.
"Its a good thing that you are smart enough to withdraw when necessary." She heard the man speak.

Guang Wang Lei suddenly narrowed his eyes at a certain direction. A murderous glint flashed in his eye staring outside the dark night.
"It seems some ants have crawled in." With these words he disappeared from the spot.

"Let's play our final card." The divison leader spoke staring at the screen that was back to normal.

Currently the screen was displaying a man who was being surrounded by thousand of women.

"Send this message to Nulis." The leader gave his command.

"yes boss. Right away." Came his subordinate's fast reply.

Letting this rebel stay in that world with that moster could be troublesome. So now, they had to make Ivar leave as fast as possible.
Of course if he could be killed by these women then it would be great. But if they fail then he must be withdrawn from this world. Further contact with that monster could result in them being bitten back.

"That man is a monster. Be careful." The reply of those gods above the realm rang in his mind.

A sinister smile graced the divison leader's face.