He looked at and to Panama. After a couple of seconds he sighed and slump his shoulders. He gave up and said, "Fine, but he will be punished as soon we hit the land."

I nodded and lead all three inside so we could be protected from the weather and to give me the opportunity to explain everything. While walking I realized how mad Germany will be as soon she get the info that I just openly told who the murderer is. Let's hope she's doing a better job, than me.

Germany pov.

The hallways were creepy silent. I walked with the uncomfortable heavy box under my arm. My plan was to bring it down to the small storage room where Italy can repair it, then I can call for help and the rescue team will arrive.

There is still the issue about how to call for help. I have zero idea how to tell them where we are, but that should be a problem for the later. Now I have to be aware to not get anyone's attention. No guest or personal should know what I'm carrying.

I put the box down for a second to take a break. It's harder than I thought because of my ankle and holding the cane at the same time, but if I put small breaks on my way, then I might arrive to the ninth floor. The stairs would be a problem though. I should have asked Hungary or Austria to help me, but it's too late now and I hate the fact that I failed to do something on my own.

Reluctantly I picked the box back up and I was about to go, until I heard footsteps behind me. Soon followed an heavy accent as she spoke.

"Hello Germany!"

I turned around and my theory got confirmed as I saw Russia walking closer to me. To my surprise her dogs weren't with her.

"Oh hello Russia. It's the first time seeing you without your dogs." I greeted her and she immediately answered unbothered, "True. I left them in my room to protect it. Since my goods were stolen and used in a murder, I don't want to happen it again."

"That makes sense." I commented and continued to walk with the box.

Russia seeing this didn't wait long to ask me, "Do you need help?"

"No thank you!" I might answered to quickly because the tall woman now looked at me with judgmental eyes.

She looked at the box and then back to me. With a slight hint of curiosity she asked again, "Are you sure? You look like you can barely walk and I don't have anything else to do."

This woman doesn't want to give up, I thought. That's really problematic. If I keep refusing her offer, then she will be more suspicious, but if I accept it, then there might be the risk of her looking inside the box.

She kept standing in front of me waiting for my answer. Reluctantly I gave her the box in hope she didn't get too curious about the content inside.

Thankfully she hold it without looking inside. "It's surprisingly light. Where should it go?"

"Uhhh to the workshop." I answered.

She nodded and followed beside me as we both walked. Out of blue Russia started to ask, "What happened your leg?"

"It's nothing serious. I just accidentally slipped in my bathroom." I explained and see how she looked at me slightly curious.

"Is that so."She responded, which I'm unsure if it's a good thing or not."I have to say that you're quite talkative today?" I asked her.

Russia rolled her eyes and answered, "Yeah. After Brazil pestering me with her nonstop talking, I needed to have a normal conversation."

"And you're thinking that I'm normal?" I joked and got rewarded by her chuckling slightly. "Well at least you're not annoying."

The Swimming Death Trap [A CH Murder Mystery] Where stories live. Discover now