Start from the beginning

Then came the Zacian and Zamazanta. At front of Arceus in his feets level were sitting the Creation Trio Palkia controler of space, Dialga controler of time and Giratina controler of the reverse world and anti-matter.

On top of Arceus head was sitting the most playful of all legendaries also one of the most powerful one just below the creation trio as she was created after them Mew.

She was sitting on top of Arceus head because all the Pokemon's knew they were created by Arceus and treated him like their master and follow his orders without questions but Mew did not do that as she was the most playful but also the child like legendary among all and sure there were other legendaries also like her but they were not created by Arceus instead by the legendaries he had already created to further distribute the responsibilities so they might treat thier creater like father or mother but they do not dare to say anything or do anything reckless in front of Arceus as they feared that if he has created them he can destroy them too but Mew like always carefree as she is just plays with her father and argue also if she does not like anything.

Even the creation trio also tried to give her a lecture on how she should treat arceus like her master and should comply his orders without questions and told her the consequences everyone could suffer because due angering arceus only to be beaten by her although they were stronger by her but still could not attack her as she was the most beloved legendary created by Arceus and he gets angry if she get hurt.

She is loved by Arceus so much that he stopped time and space for her or in simple terms he stopped her growth so that she always stay as her daddy's girl but that doesn't mean her powers won't grow , Arceus stopped her aging process but she still can reach her full potential if required without any problems so she is basically a weapon of mass destruction in a child like Pokemon body. There were three reasons for Arceus to do that

1). she was the most powerful mew he ever created

2). she is smartest mew ever created

3). she is the first mew who treated Arceus like a father and even have the guts to argue with him and go against him if necessary.

So Arceus loved mew but why all the so called protectors of earth are in the hall of origin.

Groudon and Kyogre said in unison "let us increase our territories on the whole planet and we will wipe the entire humanity so we can start fresh" which caused Raquaza to sweatdrop and said that "if you do that it will not only wipe the humanity but Pokemon's as well so until and unless you both have better ideas don't speak rubbish in between, we don't have time to solve your personal quarrels right now." as everybody agreed with him.

"How about we kill all the bad humans ourselves or else wipe the whole humanity without causing disruptions in nature and I would love to have snack if you know what I mean" said Yveltal causing Xerneas to sweatdrop and Zygarde to get angry "I know your brain is smaller than a micron Yveltal but it wouldn't hurt if you try to use it sometime. I know you are destruction Pokemon so you don't have to explain yourself to anyone about what u do or not but it would only increase your respect in front of others if you have some sense of humour. Destroying all of humanity is not something we can do as there are good people also and bad too so the bad one will use his own Pokemons to protect him before going down himself and in case of a good human his Pokemon would themselves give thier life for him out of loyalty and love even if he doesn't want to. So this was the first case and the second one that if we can kill the bad people's alone so here is the answer my fellow companions that all of you need to understand that all good people can become bad people in an instant due to something that hurts them and any bad person could leave the path of darkness if given a chance." said Zygarde causing everyone to go silent in deep thinking.

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