50. Sodium Thiopental

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Will's POV


February 11th


I flipped the flashcard in my hand and grumbled. I couldn't seem to focus long enough to study for my immunology exam that was in 2 days.

The trial had been all people could talk about and with the protests happening every day, everyone had been on edge.

I kept telling myself that Cooper would get convicted and that all of this would be over soon, but it'd been over 2 weeks. Shouldn't it have been over by now?

The court had taken all of our statements and we confirmed that Monica had been running from the 6th floor and the hotel security cameras supported this.

The videos had been made public and it was just as bad as Maya had described. Monica's dress was disheveled and even though the camera quality was shit, you could clearly see her missing shoes and her running. It already had a couple hundred thousand views on YouTube.

A tip had been sent in "anonymously" to check Coopers room and Monica's shoes were "miraculously" found hidden in his closet.

Even Maya had been called in to make a statement in front of the court. She'd been on edge about it for days. She barely slept and when she did, she recalled nightmares about being chased and taken by Cooper. Casey was gone for the weekend to celebrate Chinese New Year with her family and Maya had been sleeping in my room every other night.

Thank God I didn't share a dorm house with him. I'd only seen him once since we'd been back from the trip and we'd been cordial to each other, nothing more.

I heard a knock at my door and dropped my flashcards on the table.


Sean pushed open the door with brown bags of food.

"Thanks, man. You know my order right?" I asked taking one bag from him.

He handed me a drink and nodded. "Cheeseburger, hold the cheese, hold the mayo, extra pickles, and a bit of ketchup." He recited making a face of disgust. "I seriously don't understand your food orders sometimes. That's just a dry-ass burger."

"Shut up," I said taking a bite of my sandwich.

He sat down at the edge of my bed and opened up his bag, pulling out a small carton of chicken nuggets.

"You're still studying? I'm surprised." He tossed a nugget into his mouth and took a sip of his drink. "You usually need like an hour of review and you're good."

"I can't focus." I dipped my fries into my honey mustard packet.

"Who can anyways? With everything going on I'm pretty sure if you were acting normal, then you just don't give a shit."

"I just wish I could do something. I hate feeling like this."

"Is she still having the nightmares?"

I nodded my head and chewed on my burger.

"I can't imagine handling all of that and the drama going on with her Aunt. Gen's been on edge about where they're going to live and how--"

"What?" I interrupted confused. I had no clue was he was even talking about.

Sean looked away apprehensively. "I thought she said something to you, sorry."

"What is going on? What's happening with their aunt?"

His face fell with a guilty expression. "They're trying to move out of her house because she's crazy, and that's not an exaggeration. She's been trying to get a hold of Maya's money. They don't know where they're going to live after this semester though since Gen can't go back home and Maya won't go to New York if Gen has no place to live."

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