25. Accidents Happen

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Sunday, December 6th

3:48 pm

"Maya? Wake up."

My eyes snapped open and I lifted my head up from the table. Casey stood above me holding a canvas bag over her shoulder.

I looked around the library and noticed there were still people sitting at tables.

I checked my phone. "I must have fallen asleep." I'd been here since the morning and only got through half of my work.

I had my first final tomorrow at noon and another one on Wednesday. My last one was online so I wasn't too worried about it.

Casey sat down across from me, placing her bag on the table.

"So how's studying going?" I asked.

"I only have one final so I'm not too worried about it. All of my other classes just have basic art finals, which I've already made."

"I would kill to just make things as a final project instead of studying and taking a test."

I looked at my notes and saw all of the haphazard highlightings.

She chuckled and pulled out her phone.

"How have you been since yesterday?" She asked looking up at me.

"Fine. Why do you ask?"

Casey raised her eyebrows and shook her head. "You know why? You came home and it was as if you'd seen a ghost." I huffed in irritation. "You were all frazzled and distracted."

"Well, I'm fine." I lied. "It was just... my mind is all over the place."

"Can you please elaborate?" She placed her phone down on the table and sat up.

I closed my laptop and rubbed my eyes." Okay."

She already knew what happened when Monica came over cause I told her the whole thing yesterday. But I didn't elaborate on my feelings because I still didn't understand them.

"I got these weird feelings and I left immediately after."

She gave me a look of suspicion, paused, and let out a laugh.

"What is so funny?"

"You're freaking out because you're sexually attracted to Will?" She smiled widely. "I don't see the problem here. Didn't you already find him attractive before?"

"Yeah, but that didn't mean anything. I think is attractive in their own way. This was just really weird because we were like...on top of each other."

I crinkled up my nose in embarrassment.

I couldn't believe that even happened. I could barely sleep last night because I kept replaying the moment over and over again.

"Plus he's so in denial about his situation with Monica that I almost wanted to shake him."

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