36. Stadium Lights

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Friday, January 1st
8:37 pm
2nd quarter

"Wooo! Let's go team!" Casey jumped up and down in her seat and clapped her hands together.

I pulled her down by the arm. "The other team just scored." I pointed out.

She looked at me and shrugged. "Well good for them. As they should."

I shook my head and took another sip of my soda.

We'd been here for almost an hour so far and OSU was up by 7 points. The score was 7-14.

I didn't know much about football but that wasn't a big enough lead for them.

I'd been jittery and nervous all morning and afternoon. It was so nerve racking watching this. I had to close my eyes a few times when I'd see Will running across the field to the touchdown zone.

It's literally so weird to think of where I'd normally be at this time of year. Probably on campus working and being bored out of my mind.

Instead, I was sitting nearly front row to the National College Football Semifinals.

The loud noise of the crowd and the thousands of people here was nauseating. The stadium was ginormous but I still felt like there were too many people here.

I looked over at Ben.

If I found all of the noise and people irritating, I couldn't imagine how he felt.

He pushed his glasses up his nose and slowly stuffed his face with handfuls of popcorn. He looked in multiple directions at the slightest sound and movements.

Every time the crowd cheered, he'd watched the players intently as they ran across the field.

We told him he could stay home if he wanted to, but he said he'd never been to a football game and it'd be nice to try something new.

Casey got up and went down to the field taking pictures of Gen on the sidelines. They'd be preforming for the half time portion soon.

I poked Ben in the arm. He jumped at my touch and once he realized it was just me, he immediately calmed.

He took a sip of his drink and smirked.

"Are you okay?" I asked a bit concerned.

He smiled widely. "I'm a bit lost to be honest."

"Oh......I was hoping you'd say you were ready to go home." I looked back down at the field. "I'm okay with watching this on tv."

He chuckled and snorted. "I thought you'd be excited to come."

"It's all just.....a lot, I guess."

He nodded his head in understanding.

I bit down on my pretzel and crossed my one leg over the other.

4th quarter
10:18 pm

I bit down on my nails as I watched Will run across the field. He was almost there, only a couple more yards.

I rose to my feet and leaned closer, holding my breath in anticipation.

I watched as two opponents rammed into him and they all flew into the end zone.

Silence fell over the stadium as we watched them on the field.

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