35. Happy New Year: Part 2

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A/N: As promised, buckle up readers. The chapters' gonna be longer than usual. Comment and Vote! 😏

Maya's POV

11:59 pm (one minute to the New Year)

Before I could do anything, I felt a someone grab a hold of my hand and pull me forward.

I recognized the back of the head as Will's and I felt a huge sense of relief.


He said nothing as he pulled me through the crowd of people and towards the exit.

I was confused as to where he was taking me.

The countdown was starting and we were gonna miss it.


I could hear them beginning to chant as we moved past people.

He pulled me close to his back and we exited the dancing hall.

I could still hear the countdown with the doors closed as we moved across the lobby.

"Will, what are you doing?" I said frantically.

Wasn't he worried someone was going to see us together? I definitely was.

There was no one around. Everyone was inside about to ring in the New Year. It was what I should've been doing.


We moved around a corner and entered a hallway reaching a white door. A chair was placed in between the doorway to keep it open.

Will finally let go of my hand removing the chair, and pulled me inside the closet.

The door slammed shut leaving us in the darkness of this small space. His hand released my wrist.


I couldn't see him so I slowly moved my arm out, trying to make sure I didn't bump into anything.

"Maya?" His voice came out deep and hoarse.

"I'm over here. I just can't find the damn lights."

I heard a clicking sound and a hanging bulb illuminated the room. I realized we were in a storage closet of some sort.

Towels and bins of sheets were all around us. I could finally see Will's face in the yellow light.


"We're gonna miss the countdown," I said frantically moving towards the door. "Come on."

I felt his hand go around my forearm as he pulled me back. With a small yank, he pulled me straight to his chest, holding onto my arms.

I looked up into his eyes and felt my heart race faster. What was he doing?


His lips parted and he looked down at my lips. He looked into my eyes searching for an answer. I recognized the look of want in his eyes.

He leaned his head closer to mine and I nervously moved closer to him.


I heard cheers and yelling through the wall. The sound of confetti popping and noise makers could be heard from this far. Then Auld Lang Syne began playing.

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