49. Shoe Thief

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Maya's POV


January 25th

6:09 pm

"No matter what we wear, no matter what where we go..." Someone yelled into a megaphone.

"YES means YES and NO means NO!" We all yelled in response.

I felt the clamor of people all around me as I held up a sign that read, "There is no place for sexual assault."

All around me students held up different creative signs that each said it's own message.

The trial started at 4 pm and we'd been here for 2 hours gathering people and rallying on the steps of the court building

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The trial started at 4 pm and we'd been here for 2 hours gathering people and rallying on the steps of the court building.

It surprisingly wasn't that cold today.

Leila had gotten the word around school fast enough to get about 1,000 students to come to the protest.

My feet were getting tired at this point and I desperately wanted to eat something.

The trial was going to be all week and it seemed like every news reporter was broadcasting this.

We watched Monica walk in earlier and she looked so surprised like she was about to cry.

I hid my face with my sign when Cooper passed us on his way in earlier. I didn't want to see his face in person because I'd seen enough of it in my nightmares. Every. Damn. Night.

"Her Body, Her choice!" Casey yelled from beside me. Everyone joined along with her and chanted. I followed along with them.

There was something special about being a part of a large group of people and working together with one voice to spread a message. It felt both liberating and inspiring.

Everyone also got the memo about the black nail polish. I saw it on one finger, the whole hand, and a mix of black and white on different hands.

Far from me, I could see Will holding a sign with his black nails, "End slut-shaming and victim-blaming".

I could tell by the way everyone was chanting, that people were getting tired.

A tug on my shoulder caused me to turn around and I smiled as Ben pushed his glasses further up the bridge of the nose and smirked. "It's time."

I nodded my head and slowly seeped into the crowd, blending in with everyone else.

I followed close behind him and I could see Casey and Gen not too far in front of him.

After the house meeting, we had last week, they had devised a plan to leave the protest early in pursuit of the missing shoes.

I didn't know if finding the footwear would be enough to even help convict Cooper, but I knew that they were doing this to ease my worries about the results of the trial and help Monica.

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