Chapter 26

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*10 years later*

"We heard you finally work as a doctor. How do you feel about achieving your long-dreamed-out-goal?", the interviewer asked Peter. I took another spoon of ice cream and ate it. It tasted awfully good.

"Well, I'm really happy about it. It feels so pleasant. I'm finally at the point of life where I can say, I'm proud of myself. Yesterday I found out that I got the job at one of the best hospitals in the U.S. Also, I will be attending a trip to poor cities and treat the people there.", Peter announced looking so proud of what he had achieved. He really made something out of himself.

"That sounds great! Now, tell us how your family is right now?", the interview lady inquired, which made his mood change.

"My mom is marrying next week, and her career is going great right now. Brandon, my stepdad handed over his hotel business to my ex-girlfriend from high school, Accelya Lombard, a year ago, which she thankfully accepted .Actually, two days ago, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. It's not going too bad right now.", Peter told her. Something seemed to bother him. However, I gotta say I was so happy for Accelya. She and I didn't have any contact anymore. The last time we had talked was when she left for college.

Throughout the past years I built up a fashion brand, which was going great. A good friend of mine was helping me out with it.

Currently I was in the same town as Peter because I needed to get a job done here. Every time I walked through the streets of this town, I hoped Peter and I would meet.

Ever since Peter had left, I had been dating a few guys, but none of it lasted long. I was twenty-six and had no dating life. Most of my time I spent designing new collections for my brand or watching Peter on TV.

Even after all these years his life wasn't boring.

"That sounds like a lot is going on right now. I hope we talk soon again in an interview.", the lady said goodbye to him.

I looked at my watch and realized that I had only ten minutes left to get to work. It was a personal fashion adviser job. A lady had asked me to help her sort out her wardrobe and she didn't like to wait.

Luckily, I had already put an outfit together for me and got ready in record time. I turned off the TV and walked outside of my hotel apartment. It was raining outside. So, I hurried even more because I had no umbrella.

The rain made it difficult for me to see what was in front of me.

Everything was fine, I was even right on time, until I ran into someone. His hazel eyes were the first thing I noticed, as he caught me. Those eyes I had missed so much.

Maybe we would have our love story after all.


"Hi doctor!", Jax greeted me with a big smirk on his face. I knew exactly why.

"Congratulation Jax! How are they?", I inquired. Jackson invited me inside to see for myself. In his living room Accelya was sitting with a baby in her arms. They looked adorable.

"She looks adorable. What's her name?" Accelya smiled and then replied: "Isabella." She slowly was rocking the baby in her arms, so she wouldn't wake up. To be honest, I was happy that Jackson and Accelya got together. They just fit together perfectly.

I wish my life could've been like theirs. Accelya and Jackson married when they were twenty. They didn't have a child earlier because Accelya wanted to build up a career before having a baby. Jackson had been so generous and understanding. He looked after her like she was a child but talked about her like she was a goddess.

What these two had wasn't understandable for a person as me. It was crazy and you could only wish to find someone you felt about the way they felt for each other.

"Peter, would you like to stay for dinner? We're getting Italian food and we could celebrate. I mean you're officially a doctor now and Accelya and I have a healthy baby.", Jackson invited happily. A dinner would be nice.

"Sure. Should I get the food?", I proposed.

"If you'd like. That would be great. One question before you leave, how's your dad?", Jackson wanted to know before I got our food.

"He's um... doing fine. I'm gonna be honest, last night I got a call that he had been admitted into a detoxication clinic. Two days ago, he had asked me for money again. He's my dad, so I gave him some. Apparently, he spent it all on drugs and alcohol.", I explained my situation. When I first had met my dad, he was still working. Two years later he got fired at his job and started living of my money. I just felt bad for him and he was my biological dad.

When I started going to therapy three years ago, I told my therapist about all this and he really helped me a lot. Though, it wasn't that easy. Especially after my mother decided to marry a guy my age. It turned out, after I was born, my mother had continued to cheat on Brandon with the guy she was marrying now. My life was still a mess like when I was younger. Only this time, I was ready to get help from my friends or therapist and I didn't have controlling parents anymore.

"That sounds rough. We could visit him this weekend if you'd like.", Jackson suggested. I forced a smile onto my lips.

"I better get our food now.", I changed the topic and left their house. Outside the cold rain started pouring onto my skin. The restaurant was only a few minutes from here. I could walk there.

However, the rain made it difficult for me to see much. Then suddenly someone ran into me. My instincts made me catch her and it didn't take me a second to recognize who she was. I immediately got a flashback to when we had been on our first "date" in that diner. We stared into each other's eyes, like there were no people around us.

Suddenly she broke eye contact and got out of my hands holding her.

"Um... Sorry.", I said. She bit her lip. There I went having butterflies in my stomach again.

"Would you like to meet sometime?", she abruptly questioned. I nodded and added: "Sure. What's your number?" Seeing her after such a long time made me nervous. I had regretted not saying goodbye to her, after I found out that Brandon wasn't my real father. Though I never dated someone ever since that. Maybe because I was to busy studying, but maybe also because I waited for us to meet again, so I could once again stare into her spring green eyes.

I gave her my phone where she typed in her number. She handed it back to me and gave me a smile.

"I guess I'll see you then." Caught up looking at her, it took me a moment to reply.

"Yeah, see you!" Then she left. After all these years I randomly met her on the street. I still stood perplexed on the sidewalk, getting completely wet because it was still raining.

Even if this was the end of the book, it was just the beginning of our love story. 

This is the final part. I'm kind of happy how this story turned out. 

I've always been excited to write the end of this story and now that I did it seems a bit unrealistic. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

PS: Go check out the other book I'm currently writing. I'll post the first part of the story end of May. 

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