"Actually, Jackson can give me everything Peter can't. Happiness. Dad, I love him." I didn't hesitate to say one word to my dad.

"This is unacceptable. Did he break up with you? You know what, it doesn't matter. The deal was you and Peter, and you clearly aren't dating. This guy will leave, and you will stay in your room. It's time for the world to know the truth.", my dad proceeded to talk. Was he talking about the D'avila's secret?

"Are you gonna make it official? You can't do that to Peter. Let me at least talk to him, before you make it public.", I begged my father.

"No, he didn't stick to the deal, so he gets to know the truth. I should've done this the first time he cheated on you. I'm not saying this is all his fault, because you certainly cheated on him as well if I look at the situation now. Making the truth public is exactly what the D'avila's deserve. So, stop having pity for them.", my dad raised his voice at me.

Jackson was so confused by the things happening, but I couldn't let this happen. I grabbed Jacksons hand and ran past my dad downstairs to the door out of this house.

"What is going on?", Jackson wanted to know, but there was no time to explain this to him. My dad yelled after us, as we drove with one of his cars away to Peter's house.

In front of Peter's house, we ran into Ellenora, who told us that two minutes ago, the news were dropped. Jackson still didn't know what this was about, but Ellie and I surely did.

So, we hurried to get into Peter's house which was more difficult than expected, because not even a minute later, there were thousands of paparazzi in front of his house.

I could only imagine how broken, how hurt Peter must feel now. I always hoped he wouldn't ever find out.


It was a beautiful day, that's what I thought when I woke up. Unfortunately, this day would take an awful turn. I hadn't expected any of this when I talked to my parents this morning. They hadn't paid much attention to me like always, so I went back into my room, where I spent the rest of the morning.

I was listening to music and watching people at the beach. When I suddenly noticed paparazzi gathering in front of my house. What was going on? I didn't think of looking at the news and walked downstairs. My parents were nowhere to be found. It was like no one was home, but I had just seen everyone this morning.

The easiest way to find out what was going on was by going outside to the paparazzi. If I had known what would've happened, I would have probably never done that, but I was clueless.

So, I walked outside seeing tons of paparazzi and Accelya, Jackson and Ellenora? What were they doing here?

I walked towards the gate in front of my property. The paparazzi were shooting tons of photos, as I came closer, I heard them yelling questions.

"Where is your mother?", one asked me, another one asked if I was okay. Then finally someone asked me a question which made me find out more information.

"Is it even true that Brandon D'avila isn't your true father?", one yelled. Not my real father? What gossip was this? This was so fake.

Eventually then I got the idea of looking at the news on my phone.

Mister Lombard spills the truth: Brianna D'avila's son is a bastard from an affair with one of her students, from back in the day when she used to teach at colleges.

Why would Accelya's father say something like this? My dad wasn't my dad? This was some dumb joke. Why would this be true?

Suddenly my mother appeared next to me and tried to drag me back into the house.

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