They eventually made their way to what seemed to be a waiting area, Shouta immediately collapsing into one of the little plastic chairs and gesturing for the others to sit next to him.

Izuku somehow ended up on the end seat, sitting beside Iida, with both Todoroki and Uraraka looking very put out at the new seating arrangement. Iida however, seeming pleased, launched into a nonsensical discussion about why airplanes were the same thing as storage units but for people. He tried to follow the conversation, honestly, but somewhere between Iida telling him the exact measurements of the seating and how airplane food was a joke, Izuku's mind began to drift.

It was hard to maintain eye contact with Iida and not because the guy had a more intense stare than anyone he'd ever met; it was the people around them. All of their quirks seemingly blended together. It was so natural. Ordering coffee without ever opening their mouth, levitating luggage, even going as far as to speed past the other travelers.

Maybe if this trip went well Shouta would be more open to letting him use his own quirk.

He glanced over at said teacher only to find him somehow snoozing despite all the noise of the airport, head dropped down and slouching low in the seat in a way that couldn't be comfortable. The worst part was, he still managed to look intimidating.

Izuku longed for the day he could look that badass while just sleeping.

"Deku?" an unfamiliar voice asked.

Izuku turned in his seat, he looked up and up and up until his eyes finally landed on the tall man's face. Sparkly gray eyes met his and the man's slightly sunburnt face cracked wide in a smile. "It is you! From the sports festival!"

Sports festival? He'd never seen this man before. But maybe he was supposed to remember and it wasn't exactly like he could tell the dude he'd had a recent memory loss but shhh don't tell any villains. "Um, yes," Izuku answered uncertainty, "the sports festival....where we are in a festival....doing sports. Good times."

"Oh look at you blushing! So modest! Let me get a picture with you, my wife is going to freak out when I tell her about this!" The man practically squealed, wrinkles gathering around the corner of his eyes as he broke out into a full-on grin. It was flattering his mere presence could create a smile that wide, but Izuku was at a loss for words. Shouta hadn't told him what to do in a situation like this. 

Before he could respond, Iida stood fluidly, stepping in front of Izuku. "Sorry sir, no pictures."

"Oh, just one won't hurt! I'll be real quick I promise!" the stranger insisted, sidestepping his classmate to get to him. The smell of oil and aftershave suddenly clogged Izuku's nose as his personal space was invaded and an uncomfortable itch ran down his spine at the proximity. He leaned as far as he could away from the man while still staying in his seat, resisting the urge to turn back into the terrified child who had to go to Shouta for every little thing. 

"Sir, this is your last warning. Step away from my classmate," Iida ordered. 

Ignoring Iida completely, the man leaned over and brought a phone up, twisting the camera so Izuku could see his face twisted into a grimace next to the man's smiling one. An arm was slung over his shoulder.

Before Izuku could bail or Iida could even step in, a new presence announced themselves. 

"Hands off. Now."

Even if the order hadn't been directed at him, Izuku didn't waste another second hopping out of the seat and over to his teacher's side. By now both Uraraka and Todoroki had stood up, looking more curious than worried. 

"Sir, I didn't mean any offense. I was just asking for a picture with Deku. He seemed fine with it!" the man tried to explain, glancing nervously from Iida to Shouta. He could probably sense how angry the two were, even Izuku could feel it from his spot beside them.

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