Gossip Runs Wild

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"You wouldn't do that...would you?" Damien was in shock. Of all the girls he had been before, Samantha showed endurance. Making him regret the past three months.

"Of course she won't! She's just taking advantage of the situation! But I won't let her hurt my son! Ever! GET OUT OF THIS OFFICE RIGHT NOW! AND YOU ARE FIRED!"

'Did she really say what I think she said? I'm hurting her son?' her small bodily movements mirrored her thoughts.

"As you wish, but as I promise you two things: one, everyone is going to know about this baby, and two, we will see each other on court" she announced and left as she was told to.

"Please wait!" he shouted as he ran after her.

Everyone in the office was staring and gossiping about it, trying to read the room. As for Sammy, she was trying to resist the persistent urge to stop and look back, so she just cleared her stuff and headed to the exit, where Damien was waiting for her.

"Can we just talk about this?...Please?" Sammy followed him to the nearest restaurant. She knew she would regret it, but taking risks is a part of life.

He seemed very nervous, rubbing his hands all the time like a maniac. 

"I'm..." he was interrupted.

"Don't say you're sorry, because I know you're not! You only feel sorry for yourself!" he knew she was right, but his pride would never let him admit that, not even for himself. Before he could say anything else, re receive a notification from a magazine he had subscribed to few months before and the headline made his jaw drop

Heir of fortune impregnates helpless woman

Will he take responsibility  and take care of both the mother and the baby

Or will he deny the potential pregnancy?

Is the child really his?

"I...HOW COULD YOU DO THIS" his tone called everyone's attention, surprising Samantha "You know, I actually thought you were a good person! But I guess I was WRONG!"

"Uh...you don't get to be mad at me for being mad at you!" she took a sip of her juice.

"You told the newspaper about the baby!" for a moment it seemed like he was about to cry.

"No...I didn't! I only told my mom and Sa..." and something clicked. Sassies' husband Zayn had started working at a newspaper publisher and needed a good story to get the boss's attention. They're story was just the perfect solution for his problems.

"I can't believe your friend did this!" he was texting his mother "you have to solve this...now!"

"ME?! Don't you think I already have too much going on?" she pointed at her belly, where the baby bump was starting to show. "I can't just appear at the publisher and tell them to collect all the newspapers! And also, that's not my problem, the only thing I care about now, is you assuming the responsibility for your child!"

She was lying. Deep down her anger was boiling hotter than a fiery sea and she was ready to kill both Sassie and Zayn for exposing her like that, without her permission. And she was also questioning how they were able to do it in less that 24 hours.

"Look...I AM going to assume your baby, I mean, our baby" Sammy tried to hide a smile "I just... couldn't say that in front of my mother okay? She...she hates you and hates the baby even more!" he held her hand "will you marry me?"

Sammy's heart was telling her to say yes, but her knowledge was giving her a strong no! He had to be very stupid to think she was going to say yes to that.  She quickly removed her hand from under his:

"You have to be kidding me!" he was confused "Of course I'm NOT marrying you! Not only because we are in the middle of a messy café, which is super unromantic  and you called me a bad person less than 10 minutes ago, but also because you are only asking me to marry you because you have no choice, not because you like me!" she took a deep breath "I already told you, I don't want to marry you, I'm not interested in your money either, I just want my baby to have a father... and to be taken care while I'm at university!"

 "wow...I have to admit that I've never seen a girl so interested in finishing college" he held her hand again, but this time, she held his back "I promise I will give this baby everything he or she deserves!"

"Thank you" she blushed and decided to leave "It's my mom's dream to see me and my sister graduating, so...I wouldn't want to let her down".

And he just sat there watching her walk away, for a moment he actually liked the idea of being a father. But that dissipated very fast when a very good looking brunette walked through the door.

"She said she didn't want me so...I'll just find someone who does" he whispered as he rushed towards her.

Later that night, Damien was coming out of the girls apartment, trying to get home, when the radio started talking about his "case". And paparazzies came out of nowhere, trying to pull the info out of his mouth and blocking his garage door, instigating his anger.

He barely knew the same thing was happening to Samantha. A bunch of curious eyes were standing outside her house and knocking on her door, waiting for her to open up. Of course she was annoyed by it, but there was something else bothering her: she couldn't stop thinking about Damien!

Not about the fact that she was carrying his baby! But  about him as a possibly good human.

And it was no secret for her sister that she was wondering that "Maybe he isn't that bad!" She whispered as she paced the room she shared with her sister, Cleo "I think he just listens to his mother a lot, that's it! He is polite, nice, cute...no, not cute...maybe just a little bit"

"Can you stop that, please! Some of us are trying to study here!"

"You've seen Damien right?...Do you think he's...you know...a good person?"

"You mean a cute person? Than yes, he is both a good person and a cute person" she said, starting a conversation that would last for the rest of the night. Meanwhile, on the living room, their mother received a very interesting phone call regarding her daughter.


And I'll give my best to keep the promise and post more regularly.

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