Author's Note: Welcome

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Hello Reader!

Welcome to Halo Of Fire, I hope you enjoy my story and that you can bear with me as I work on it. I only ask that you stick with me to the end.

This story will be updated in scenes rather than chapters, which will allow me to write and post more often. I'll be updating nearly every day so just add the story to your reading list and/or follow me and you'll get regular updates.

I just wanted to leave a quick PSA and content warning before you start reading. The story will contain some gore (death, blood, fight scenes) and swearing, probably some sexual content as well, though not excessive. There are also some LGBTQ+ and POC characters in this story, but if you feel like I've poorly represented them, please leave me a comment to help me better represent them. I want to be a good writer and that includes being able to write groups I'm not a part of (and be able to take constructive criticism - please try to be nice though, nothing I write is intended to be purposefully offensive in any way).

This is also my first time attempting to write a morally grey character, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Lastly, I really hope you enjoy my story and that you'll leave me tons of constructive criticism. Thank you for giving this story the time of day :)


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