Fifty Seven | Control

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Zahra POV

Closing the door to my room, I feel a sharp pain in my neck. I steady myself against the wall, feeling my breathing starting to get really shallow and my legs giving up. Darkness slowly clouds my vision.

I open my eyes, wincing lightly at the sudden brightness. Finally adjusting, I gasp when I look at my surrounding. I am in a fucking holding room with River sitting directly across from me, with a deep frown on his face. His eyes are slightly dilated, his chest is slowly rising and his arms are folded across his chest.

"You look like shit."

"And you look like a constipated bunny."

He throws his head back, laughing. "A lot of dangerous people have all sat where you are sitting now but that's by far the most creative insult I've heard."

"Do you have a valuable reason as to why you took me from my home? Cause this is giving déja-vu and not the good kind."

He slides an open folder towards me. "What do you see?"

"A 45 caliber M1911A1 nickel pistol with a suppressor."

"Anything else?"

"I don't see what this has to do with me."

"She happened to be the agent on Roman Pierce's case. Do you recognize the numbers on the bullets?"

"Yes but that doesn't answer my question?" I ask starting to get irritated with all his questions.

"Before I tell you anything, I need you to sign something." He unlocks my handcuffs and hands me a pen. "This is an agreement that you won't interfere with an ongoing investigation. I knew you wouldn't listen so I had to use drastic measures, after all, I trained you myself."

"Now, why would I interf—"

"It wouldn't be the first time."

I roll my eyes and grab the pen, writing a neat 'fuck you' on the dotted line in place of my signature then slide the paper back to him. He looks down, his expression morphing into amusement before grabbing the papers and leaving the room.

Minutes later, a man comes in hands me a phone "Ma'am, you only have one phone call."

I grab it, dialing the first number that comes to mind. It rings thrice. I try again and after a couple of rings, a familiar voice fills my ears. "Hello?"

"Alex! Thank god!" I mumble hurriedly. "I don't have a lot of time so listen carefully. I'm at the bureau, take Marcus and get both of your asses down here."

"Alright, we'll be right there. Are you okay? Do you need anything?" He replies more alert now.


"Are you mad?" He asks incredulous.


"She hates you, Zahra! What makes you think she'll listen to anything I have to say?"

"I don't have a choice."

<<·>> <<·>> <<·>>

Alex POV

I lean casually against the wall as I wait for her to come out. Shay Cordae is a petite brunette woman in her late twenties, who also happens to be one of the best lawyers I've ever come across. It makes perfect sense why Zahra would need her help knowing the woman hates her.

"Shay Cordae." I greet as she walks out the lobby of her firm. "Goodness me! You're as beautiful as I remember."

"Go away." She replies in a bored tone, meddling with a set of keys in her hand. She continues to walk away but I step in front of her. "She must be pretty desperate to ask me for help."

"Just hear me out, alright?"

"Like I said, I don't care."

"You're still mad about that petty case?" I ask, holding in a laugh.

"I was fired by my firm! That was my big debut, you bastard! Do you have any idea of how embarrassing that was? How hard it was to get into another firm?"

"Were we supposed to let you drag us in court instead?"

"It d—"

"I would apologize but I won't. Frankly, I don't give a fuck. So how about we cut to the chase? We need your help."

"Why would I help her?"

"You see, being in Zahra's entourage comes with some perks. One of them happens to be the credibility you desperately need to start your own firm." I reply casually but deep down, I'm panicking.

"Can I at have time to think about it?"

"I have to take you to her immediately."

She lets out an exasperated sigh. "Lead the way."

<<·>> <<·>> <<·>>

Zahra POV

"Hey, you okay?"

I look up and see Alex staring at me with a worried look. I quickly sling my arms around him. "Thank you."

He pats my back as we pull away from the hug. "Let's get you out of here."

He holds out his arm and we walk out of the offices onto the pavement where the car is waiting. Marcus opens the door, and we step in. To my surprise, I find Shay Cordae staring at me with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Just how often do you meddle with federal investigations?" She asks humorously.

The second we enter the house, I'm welcomed by Cameron and a worried Killian. I immediately run to him and hug the life out of him.

My phone buzzes in my hand and I unlock it to find a text from an unknown number, and open the the text before running away, my hand to my mouth. When I reach the door to the nearest bathroom, I swing it open and rush to the toilet.

Killian POV

I open the bathroom door and find her on the floor, her head above the toilet bowl. Rushing to her, I hold her hair and rub her back in a soothing motion. She flops backwards, finally pulling her head out of the trashcan and letting her head rest against my chest.

"I'm f—" She starts but grabs the trashcan and pukes again. I put my hand on her forehead, and flinch.

"You don't look fine."

"I'm fine, Killian." She flops back, resting her head on my lap this time.

"No, you're not."

"Are you guys okay in there?" Alex's voice asks from behind the door.


"Oh my god! Zahra, are you okay?"

"Never been better." She groans.

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