Twenty Eight | Dichotomy

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Miami, Florida

The meeting with the investors was the first thing on my schedule today. Apparently, they were all impressed by the features of the new gun and are interested in selling us a factory in Singapore but we have to wait until the release party for the final approval. Meanwhile, for the time being, I asked every division to send a plan of action for the next month.

There's a knock on the door and soon, a smiling Nova, coming in.

"Nova. This is quite a surprise." I gesture for her to take a seat and close my laptop.

"I came to see how you're holding up and ask if you want to grab coffee?"

"I really wish I could but my next appointment is in a few minutes."

She nods, smiling. "By the way, I got you a souvenir from Cairo." She hands me a bag and I open it to look at its contents. "I mean Tokyo. Sorry, my mind's all over the place today. Must be the jetlag."

"Wow, you got a manga?"

"Thought you needed to know the end of that anime you're obsessed with." She jokes.

I laugh. "Thank you, Nova."

She sends me a wink, walking out the door.

<<·>> <<·>> <<·>>

Daniel POV

The sound of my shoes echo against the smooth marble floors of Pierce Industries. I scan my visitor badge past the metal detectors only to be stopped by two security guards.

"Please state your name for identification." A female voice says over the intercom.

"Daniel Harris."

"Welcome to Pierce Industries, Mr. Harris." The voice replies.

One of the security guards leads me through a door where I pass through metal detectors again and come to face a young woman waiting at the ends.

"Hello, Mr. Harris." She greets, extending her hand that I gladly shake. "My name is Madison, I am Ms. Pierce's assistant."

"Pleased to meet you."

"You too. If you'd please follow me."

I nod as she leads me to the elevator and presses a button next to the floor we're going on. Seconds later, we walk into what looks like a hallway with sofas facing the windows.

We come to a door and she presses her palm on a screen next to the door where it scans her hand. The doors open to reveal a very large office space with clear glass windows and in the middle of the room, sits a desk. I walk in, and Zahra looks up from her screen, gasping when her eyes land on me.

"Oh my god, Daniel!" She exclaims, standing up and running towards me before engulfing me in a hug. "What are you doing here? I thought you were in Monaco?"

"I figured I should come see my favorite girl." I reply as we pull away.

She chuckles, gesturing for me to take a seat on the large sofa next to the window before walking to the mini bar and coming back with two glasses, waving a 1926 Macallan bottle.

"You actually remembered?" I tease, smiling as she pours the whiskey into our glasses.

"Of course." She chuckles, sitting down next to me.

"How's your brother?"

"He's fine...transitioned into the business perfectly."

"He has you as his mentor after all."

She blushes, brushing a stand of hair behind her ear. "How are you? How's work?"

I take a sip of my drink, thinking about it for a second before answering. "I'm alright...expanding my empire here and there. You should come to Monaco and see for yourself."

"Oh, I will. I've always wanted to live there."

I smile, nodding. "I remember."

"So did you finally meet someone?"


She smirks, bringing the whiskey to her lips. "I gotchu."

Zahra POV

"Back to you. Killian Ferreira huh?"

"Who told you that?" I ask, incredulous.

"You do realize I use social media right?"

I roll my eyes, sipping on my drink. "Whatever."

"Now, why don't you tell me about that Spanish fellow you're seeing."

"Will you stop nagging me?"

He drags his finger along his lips in a sealing manner before tossing away the imaginary key. Smiling at his antics, I take a deep breath and start telling him the whole story.

"Aww, you're in love with him."

"What? No!"

"Woman, please, I know that look. I've had that look."

"There's no look!" I argue.

Daniel chuckles, placing his glass back down. "I think you should tell him about how you feel; be completely transparent and share whatever's holding you back."

"It's not that deep."

"I knew you'd say that." He laughs.

"But I do promise to set up you up with someone." I wink, chugging the last of my drink in one smooth motion.

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