Twenty Seven | Moment

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I groan when a group of paparazzi holding up their cameras, shouting and snapping pictures of us as we make our way inside the training center. We find some of his team mates already training. Killian pulls me to sit down next to him, his head coming to rest on my lap. I run my fingers into his hair, stroking softly back and forth as he sleeps.

"Hey there."

I look up to see Caleb and offer him a smile.

"I was wondering if you want to meet the rest of the team? We have..." He pauses to check his phone. "Fifteen minute before training?"

"I'd love to." I chuckle, motioning to the sleeping beauty on my lap. Caleb steps closer, poking Killian and trying to wake him.

Wake the fuck up!"

"It's no use, he sleeps like a log." I tell him.

Another person joins us and soon more players gather around, greeting me and cracking jokes about Killian as he sleeps.

Killian POV

I wake up to a gentle poke on my cheek. My eyes slowly open to see my Zahra's face hovering over mine

"Did you sleep well?" She asks, offering me a smile.I nod.

"What time is it?"


I adjust my position on her lap to stand up, pulling her up with me as I tighten my grip on her waist. She paces her hands on my cheeks and pulls me into a kiss. It lasts for about a minute until she pulls back, breaking the kiss


I throw a smile her way one last time before walking away.

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Killian POV

As we make our way into the club, we find it packed with people and drinks flowing at the bar. We advance toward the VIP lounge and once we arrive, the DJ hollers at us.

"¡Mira lo que tenemos aquí, mi gente! Todo el equipo espańol!"

The crowd cheers from beneath us and I grin, waving at everyone before averting back to the guys as a waitress comes toward us with a notepad in her hands.

"¿Qué puedo conseguirlos esta noche?" She greets with a smile.

"Tu número y Tequila." Nathan smirks making her blush.

Caleb rolls his eyes and turns to me. "How's Zahra?"

Before I get the chance to answer, the waitress comes back with filled shot glasses on a tray. She sets the tray on the table in front of us and leaves, but not before slipping a paper in Nathan's hand. I shake my head in disappointment, getting my first shot and on the count of three, we all down our shots.

"Zahra's alright." I finally reply, reaching for another shot.

"She's a wild one, isn't she?" Iago suddenly asks making me spit out my drink.

I groan, muttering a few colorful words as I reach for the napkins on the table and clean myself before gulping down another shot, choosing to drink instead of answering their silly questions.

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