Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways

Start from the beginning

Let them be happy!

Later, Defne called Esra and told her about her father's death. The girl was silent for a couple of minutes, and then sternly said:

- May he rests in peace. I do not hold a grudge against him, but I am not upset by his death either. I will not grieve for him. I won't think about him at all. He was not, is not, and will not be in my life, - Defne held her breath, in her soul admiring the wisdom of her younger sister. Omer again proved to be absolutely right - Kadir Shishmaz did not have any influence on his daughter and his genes bypassed her. Alarmed by her sister's silence, Esra took it incorrectly and asked perplexedly:

- Defne, do you condemn me? Am I too cruel? Should I grieve for his death? He was my father anyway. But I cannot change my feelings...

- No, no, Esra! - Defne hurried to calm her down. Tears rang in her voice and pride in her clever sister. - You are absolutely right! I'm happy that you think and feel that way. He is a stranger to you. And you are a wise girl, my soul. Forget him and never remember.

- I will do so, - Esra promised and asked: - Defne, can I come home now? I miss all of you very much.

"And Mert too," she added mentally, delighted inside that her sister could not now see her face flushed with a hot blush.

- Yes, honey, - Defne answered. - Omer and I will buy tickets to Istanbul for you and Banu today. Now give the phone to Maya.

She thanked her friend from the bottom of her heart for her help. And she burst into tears. Maya hastened to calm her down:

- Well, why are you crying, dear, - she said affectionately in her melodious voice. - After all, everything is fine. It's all over and your lovely little sister is no longer in danger.

"Thank you and Theo," Defne thanked her again. - Thank you for everything!

- Thank you! Maya answered quietly. - For the pendant. For the hope. For the Miracle. And for the girls. I fell in love with them with all my heart and now I know exactly what I will call my twin daughters.

Defne gasped, guessing what Maya meant. She will have twins!

- Twin girls? Esra and Banu? - asked and laughed with joy.

"Esra and Banu," confirmed Maya.

- So you already know for sure? Will you have girls?

- Yes, - Maya confirmed without hiding happiness. - We'll have girls. Beautiful, healthy girls!

For supper, Iplikci invited Topal and Baisal to their house. Defne decided that it was time for both branches of her family to get to know each other better. But before she had a difficult conversation with her grandmother and brother. They were neither surprised nor shocked. In recent weeks, there have been so many shocking discoveries that the news about Defne's real father was taken philosophically by the family. The grandmother only said that human destinies are very confusing and unpredictable. And Serdar hugged his sister and asked:

- Did you feel better?

"It's better," she replied. "I'm no longer the child my father didn't love. Now I know that I am worthy of love.

"You have always been worthy of it," said Serdar confidently. - Or do you think that Omer could fall in love with an unworthy girl?

"He couldn't," Defne agreed easily with him.

She put her head on his shoulder and thought that everything in life happens on time and right. And even if it seems that there is chaos around, then this leapfrog also has its own logic. And it will certainly become clear later when you can look at the past from the outside and see what you could not see when floundering in problems and troubles.

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